K H L O E 2 3 ✔

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When Bailey opened the door I didn't expect him to be standing on the other side

I also didn't expect her to be so bold to mention her fathers name to a complete stranger.

I thought my family would of told me when he was released so I could of planned how I was going to tell him instead of him finding out like this.

I don't understand how he even found me seeing as I was living in a completely different house when we was together.

"How did you find me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

'I followed you from work.' He said sheepishly.

'What are you doing here B?' I said tiredly.

'I wanted to see you, it looks like we have a lot to catch up on aye beaut?' He said gesturing to Bailey.

'Not tonight, I need to tell her first. Where are you staying?' I said thinking of how I'm going to tell Bailey that Blake is actually her dad.

'Well, you see I didn't think about that. I'll just book a hotel around here. Do you still have the same number, I'll ring you?' He asked.

'Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow.' I said closing the door.

'Who was that mum?' Bailey asked me when I walked back into the kitchen.

'Well you know how I said daddy is away? Well that was your daddy baby. It looks like his trips finally over.' I said trying to explain it to her clearly.

'Oh! When can I meet him?' She said excitedly.

'Maybe tomorrow, but remember what I said? He lives in the same place as grandad and uncle Kane?' I told her.

'With the weird voices?' She said with a disgusted face. (I'm actually from London so I can't actually take offence)

'Yeah baby, with the weird voices.' I said laughing at her.

'Come on time for bed.' I said to her shoo'ing her away before she asks more questions.

Blake : See you tomorrow. I'm sorry about everything.

He texted me before I went to sleep, I don't think he understands that saying sorry isn't going to change my view of him so quickly.

He didn't even say anything hurtful he just cut off all communication and I think that hurts the most when I needed him the most, he left after everything. I waited for him for 2 years for him to just disappear, I know he was in prison but he didn't reach out.

He knew how I felt about people just leaving when I needed them the most and for him to do that hurt more then anything.

He wasn't the most perfect man, I didn't expect him to be. I know what the club really is like and I stayed, that should count for something right? Maybe it's because my family got out before him and he wanted to punish me?

Seeing him tonight actually made me miss him.

Don't get me wrong I saw him when I visited when he was in prison but I was pregnant and trying to hide it from him which was harder then normal. I always told him I was stress eating which he believed.


Blake - Morning beauty, where shall I meet my beautiful girls today?

Is the text I woke up to.

I knew he was only being polite but if he thinks I'm going to get back with him just because we have a child he has another thing coming.

I text him back telling him that he can come round for breakfast because I know what Blake is like, he likes a healthy breakfast followed with lots of coffee but he won't find the coffee he likes around here. London does different coffee to Belfast and I know that because when I went to London I fell in love with it, so whenever I'm there or my family visit they bring me enough coffee to last me till my next visit.

Blake wouldn't like any other coffee then what is in my house.

I tell him that he should be here for around 10am because that's what time Bailey wakes up when she doesn't have school and seeing as it's the summer holiday she's loving the lay-ins.

It was 9:30 when the door knocked, I know he must be excited but really half an hour early?

When I opened the door I expected Blake to be standing there but it wasn't.

It was my parents, Kane and Jodie standing their with guilty smiles. Which means they are the real reasons Blake knows where I am.

'Don't. Just go inside.' I said pointing to my living room, they all followed like little lap dogs.

'Which one?' I asked when they all sat down.

'It was me, sorry baby. I told him you was back in Belfast but I didn't tell him where you lived. I promised.' Mum said.

'I believe you.' I said to her because Blake mentioned that he followed me from work.

When I heard another knock I knew it was him.

'That's Blake, his coming to meet Bailey.' I said to my family.

'I'll get it' Kane said standing up to open the door.

What I didn't expect to hear was a thud. I ran into the hallway to see my brother laying on the floor holding his face and Blake breathing heavily.

'What is he doing here Khlo?' Blake said looking at me.

'What the fuck man?' Kane groaned whilst Jodie went to help him up.

'He's my brother Blake, he can be here whenever he wants' I said confused.

'Brother! HA. He was the one who left me to get my sentence longer' Blake said sarcastically.

What?' I said confused.

'Nothing, don't worry about it. Where's Bailey?' He said, that's when I noticed him pick up a big pink teddy and a bag which I expect full of presents for her.

'Still in bed, she'll be awake soon. Whilst we're waiting. Explain to me why my brother is the reason you spent longer then 2 years?' I said narrowing my eyes at him.

'He left me, when me and the other man was fighting, he left as soon as the guards turned up so I was the only one who got caught. If it wasn't for him I would of been with you and Bailey sooner.' he said angrily looking at Kane.

'What the fuck? It didn't happen like that.' Kane said confused.

'Yes it did, you and the boys got out I stayed. You fucked up Kane. We were meant to be brothers.' He said shaking his head.

'No it didn't work like that, I followed the Mexican boys who ran and we fucked them up. They ended up in hospital. We didn't realise you got longer till after we got out.' Kane said shaking his head.

'What?' Blake said confused.

'We didn't leave you to run, we left you to beat up the others, why would of left you? Your our brother.' Kane said, then I saw Blake pale. He realised he made a mistake again.


'Why is uncle Kanes's nose bleeding?' She said straight after seeing Blake to go over to my brother.

'I'm fine baby girl. Why don't you go speak to your dad? His missed you.' Kane said tickling her.

'Hi Bailey." Blake said nervously.


What do you think is going to happen?

It's edited!

Don't forget.




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