I N K 8 ✔

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'WHO THE FUCK IS SHE KANE!' I heard Jodie scream.. for the fourth time today.

'She's nobody, its not like that Jodie! I love you, you'll find out soon. She should be here soon!' Ghost said sighing

'Then what is is like? Why don't you fucking tell me the truth for once in your fucking life!'

'I can't tell you, but it will make sense I promise.'

'For fuck sake forgot your secrets now! Tell me or I'm walking I'm not dealing with you cheating on me!' She screamed walking for the door.

'It's a surprise.' he said adamant not to spoil the surprise only a few more hours till she'll be here.

'AH!' She screamed and ran outside.

When we followed her we saw her run straight into Khloe and then they both dropped..


When Jodie realised what happened and why it was a big secret she was all smiles, I don't think I've seen her smile so much since there engagement party.

It was lovely to see Khloe and Jodie talk like long lost friends and not professional like most people are.

I left the girls and Ghost to sit down and discuss the wedding while I went to the bar.

I pulled out a cigarette when a beer was passed to me.

Kid sat next to me and we started talking about the next run. It'll be nice to finally get out of town for a few days, there's always expectations from my dad when I'm home and I can't stand it.

I don't expect to follow in his face and I really don't want to. I want to be my own person and sometimes I'd love to just disappear. Disappear from the responsibility of following in my dads footsteps, don't get me wrong I love the club. They are my brothers but maybe I just want to settle down and live a normal life with no guns.

'What do you think of the planners?' Kid asked me whilst drinking his beer.

'I only met Khloe before, she's nice.' I said shrugging

'Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I went there?' He said winking at me

'Don't you fucking dare' I said angrily.. wow what was that about

He started laughing.. Actually full blown laughter.

'You-you should of seen your face, I like the other one. Blondes are my type.' he said still laughing at me.

'Shut up.' I said smacking his head.

'Why don't you go for it?' He said calming down.

'Go for what? She's not a crow.' I said confused and slightly annoyed he would even suggest that.

'Why don't you ask her out? Like a normal person.. you know dates and all that shit?' He said making a disgusting face

'Don't be stupid.' I said sighing. I seem to do that a lot lately.

'Why not?'

'Because I'm a killer, what would she go out with someone who has killed people and we're in a motorcycle club Kid. Nobody wants to deal with that.' I said shaking my head.

'You don't know till you try. Maybe you'll get your happily ever after that you've always wanted.' he said patting my arm and walking away..

Maybe I will..

Maybe his right..

Maybe Khloe could handle this lifestyle..

But do I want to bring her into it?

I looked over at her to see her smiling and laughing with Jodie her friend and a few old ladies. She must of felt my eyes on her because she turned round and looked at me and gave me a smile.

Maybe she'll be perfect.

Maybe she'll be my old lady one day.

Don't forget.




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