K H L O E 1 3 ✔

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This chapter is decimated to ceraswrites and SandraRumberga for being my biggest supporters!💖

I've been home a month now, one month since I've seen or heard from Blake.

I didn't realise how much I'd actually miss him when I don't actually know him properly, we've spoken a few times but I don't know him well enough to paint a picture of him and his life.

So how can I like someone I barely know?

Like? What the actual fuck..

How can I like him?

He is a biker..

He is a player..

He wears leather and black..

He lives in London..

So even all of them things should make me not want to see him, not want to have any feelings for him but it doesn't stop..

I can't get rid of the butterflies every-time Charlie talks about him, or when she mentions that he hasn't been seen with a club girl.

I don't ask, I know better then too ask. If I did Charlie would get the wrong idea and try to play match-maker like the last time..


Don't even think about that no good piece of shit..

He isn't worth shit..

He deserves everything his got coming to him.

I've also been thinking about if I actually want to tell my 'family' about me, that I'm actually related to them..

But they must know? How can they not know they have a sister..

I'm younger then 2 of them and my supposedly 'father' must know of me, how can you not know your own daughter..

Now I think about it we do look alike..

The blonde hair, blue eyes..

But if I have brothers and a father why didn't my 'mother' leave me with them?

Why did she give me up to strangers, not saying I'm not happy because I am..

I had one of the best childhoods I could ask for, I had the most amazing parents but what kind of childhood would I of had the same if I grew up with my brothers?

Would they be protective?

Would they of scared all my high school boyfriends away?

Now thinking about it I wish I did have them growing up. I only ever had Lyla and my parents.
My father was the best, he would take every other weekend off of work so we could have a daddy-daughter day, all the way up until he died. It didn't matter that I was 21 and lived on my own. He still treated me like I was his little princess.

My mother was different, we had a close relationship but it was strained, she wanted a girly girl and I wasn't. I liked to wear trainers and jeans instead of dresses and heels and I could see how much it drained her when I would turn up to family meals in jeans and a t-shirt, my dad would just laugh and my mother would shake her head.

My dad didn't come from money, he worked for everything he owned whereas my mother grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. They were complete opposites but they were perfect for each other..

I needed my best friend at a time like this but seeing as she's still in London I didn't know what to do..

So I text her.

I texted her and ranted about everything, about my real family about how I should or shouldn't tell them and I asked for advice. Then I throw my phone on the bed waiting for a reply.

When I heard the ding coming from my phone I picked it up..

What I didn't expect was that sort of reply..

What I didn't expect was a reply from


'We need to talk now clearly.' He texted back.

Oh Sugar plum fairy!
Always check who your sender is before pressing send!

What do you think is going to happen?

It's edited!

Don't forget.




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