I N K 1 0 ✔

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I was talking to my dad about Khloe and that maybe i had feelings for her, I know it's really soon and I don't know her that well but I've always grown up with the saying that if she's the one you will know.

But how can I tell if shes the one?

I know I've never had feelings like this before about anyone, even my ex girlfriend's.

'Son, does she make you smile?' Dad asked.

'Everytime shes around.'

'What was your first thought when you met her?'

'That she was beautiful.' I said smiling.

'And now?' He said with a sly smile.

'That shes beautiful and such a wonderful person, she didnt judge us when she looked at us, she still wanted to plan the wedding when we explained that we are in a club.'

'She's the one for you son, the way your face lights up talking about her is the way mine does for your mother.' He said smiling.

Then Khloe turned up with the girls drunk, to say it was a fun experience would be a lie. I picked up Lyla and was walking her to the spare dorm room when she started whispering to me.

'I think you and Khloe would be an amazing couple.' She slurred which made me smile at her.

'And why is that?'

'Because she likes you and I know you like her. She just doesnt know it yet' She said sounding more sober then before which made me look at her, she winked.

'Look at her face, she'll be narrowing her eyes at me because she's annoyed at me.' She said laughing loudly, I looked over at Khloe and she was right.

Does that mean she likes me?

I took Lyla into the spare dorm and left her at the door, I wasnt going to put her to bed because shes a grown woman she can do it herself.

'I'm good cowboy, go get your woman.' She giggled making her way to the bed.

When I walked back into the bar I saw Khloe and my dad talking, he had a thinking face on whilst looking at her.

'Dad do you mind?' I said to him so he can go whilst I talk to her in private.

'I'm going son, Khloe when you get bored of him come and find me.' He said making her laugh.

'I'll be sure to tell Mrs H' She said laughing which made him laugh.

'You do that darling, sweet dreams you too.' He said winking at her.

'Khl-' I started to say before I was cut off.

I was cut off by her kissing me.
Khloe actually launched herself at me and kissed me.

When I didn't respond for a few seconds she started to pull away, I wasn't going to lose this feeling so I grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her back.

We both pulled away when we wasn't getting any air.

'Wow.' We both said at the same then she giggled.

'Im sorry.' She said looking embarrassed.

'It's fine, I liked it.'

'It's not fine, who kisses someone they barely know? What the fuck was I thinking.' She said then whispered the last bit to herself

'A lot of people do Khlo.' I said trying to make her feel better.

'Well I don't! I'm sorry that shouldnt of happened.' She said shaking her head

'Why shouldn't you of? What is so bad about kissing me.' I said getting defensive, maybe I was a bad kisser?

'No nothing, I didn't mean it like that.'

'What do you mean it like then?'

'I'm not a girl to sleeps with the first guy I see, don't take offence but I've heard a lot about you from the girls who come here.' She said shaking her head looking down.

'Like what?' I said annoyed.

'That you have a difference girl in your bed every night. I don't want to be another one to add to your long list.'

'So your judging me based on other peoples words?'

'No. yes.. No I dont know!' She said running her fingers through her hair, I can tell thats her nervous habit.

'I cant believe this.' I said disgusted with myself.

'I'm sorry..' She said guiltly.

'No I am, here's me telling everyone you are different. That you dont judge people and your judging me for my behavour before I EVEN FUCKING MET YOU!' I said loudly.

'Thats not true.'

'Yes it is, I can't believe I actually liked a judgement bitch. Wow, glad i got out before I could make a bigger mistake of settling down with you. FUCK!' I said getting up and walking away.

I cant believe i made the same fucking mistake of falling for someone who does judge everyone.

Maybe I was a player but I haven't slept with anyone since I met her, I couldn't even bring myself too look at anyone else.

To know the woman I could of spent my life with thought so low of me.
I'm going to prove everyone wrong, I'm going to make something of my life. I'm going to grind now and shine later.

Oh no! Khloe fucked up.

What do you think is going to happen?

It's finally edited!

Don't forget.




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