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It was about 9pm when I received the text message from Khloe, I expected a just simple hello or something when I saw her name, I didn't expect a long rant explaining that she's Killer's daughter.

I don't know how she can be the daughter because as far as I know he only had one wife and she died when Doc was born.

It would explain a few things, like Killers face when he saw the picture of Khloe and how he was shockingly busy at all times when Khloe was here and then pissed when I mentioned she's gone home.

He was working up the courage to ask her.

He know somehow they were related or he must know her mother.

I didn't know what to do with the text.. do I go to Ghost and Killer and tell them or do I want and let Khloe think of it herself?

I re-read the text message again and one line stuck out the most to me..

'I don't know.. what if they don't believe me or even accept me?'

Why wouldn't they accept her, and now looking at her we've all been blind not to see how much she resembles them.

I think what I should do is talk to her and find out what's going through her mind, maybe she's just nervous and needs that little bit of a push to be able to tell them.

If she doesn't want to tell them by the end of our conversation then it'll leave me no choice to tell them, my loyalties lay with the club.

I know she's not scheduled to come back until a week before the wedding but this cannot wait.

So I rang her..

I waited for her to answer..

And waited..

And waited.... till she finally answered.

'Blake hi! Sorry I was in the kitchen.' she said sounding like she had just ran a marathon.

'Hi Khloe. That's alright, do you want to have a chat? It can't wait hun.' I said getting straight to the point.

'I suppose so, what do you want to know first?'

'I want to know how and when you found out Kane was your brother? Did you know before.. is that why you took on planning this wedding?'

'No.. no of course not, I didn't find out until not long ago. My parents died and they told me how they adopted me and who my real mother was in a letter I received, I had someone look up if I had any other blood relatives and it just so happened I did..' She said chuckling without humour.

'You mentioned how your worried they wouldn't accept you, I can tell you that, that is the biggest load of shit have ever heard. Family is everything to the club.' I said getting angry that she would assume they wouldn't want anything to do with them.

'I know, it's just.. strange girl trying to play happy families? People don't believe straight away.' She sighed.

'Kings would accept you in a heartbeat. It's painstaking obviously you are one of the Jacksons now you've mentioned it.' I said hoping to help her with the decision.

'I take it you want me to tell them?' She said nervously.

'Yes, they deserve to know they have a daughter and a sister.'

'Maybe your right. Can you just.. can you just let me give it more time? I'll be back before the wedding I will tell them then.. it's just I want to find my birth mother first?' She said making me smile.

'That's fine, my lips are sealed.' I said making her chuckle.

'Ah, how is everything and everyone? Are my girls behaving.' she said changing the subject.

'They are, everyone's missing you, I'm actually missing your annoying 9am daily wake up alarm' I said hinting that I do actually miss her but pretending it's a joke.

'I miss everyone too.. even you.' She said quietly.

'I've got to go, someone's at the door. Probably pizza! Night Blake, thank you I really needed that phone call.' she said hanging up before I could reply.

What do you think is going to happen?

It's edited!

Don't forget.




KINGS✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ