Chapter 14

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Whole crew by Margahg. 💜

Aelin knew her anger was misdirected when she eyed Rowan enough to burn a hole through his head. 

It wasn't his fault his friend was an asshole who went around punching people for no reason.

But right now, she could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing. Except Aedion getting punched. Her cousin. Someone harmed something hers. She did not take things like this lightly. 

God, living with him had made her a territorial bastard too.

She'd turned around on her heels and stormed off to her class. Rowan got the hint and followed. She didn't know what he said to his friends, nor that she cared at the moment.

The near silent footfalls in the corridor were the only indication that Rowan was following her. He made no move to catch up with her, strolling at a leisurely pace. 

She hoped it was to calm her, not indifference. People always said that opposite of love is hate. No, it was indifference. Love or hate, you still care about that person. Indifference was that you don't give a shit. And she'd had enough of it, pushing people away. 

Even Lorcan had started to look like a misunderstood person rather than a complete asshole. She didn't like him, but she didn't hate him either. 

She gulped the burning on the back of her throat and kept walking, her feet heavy. 

With Rowan, it felt her soul had began to stitch itself. With the non judgemental attitude, she felt almost safe around him, like she could be herself and he wouldn't bat an eye. She could tell him anything and he wouldn't care. Now she wondered if he ever cared about her. 

Aelin threw open the door of her class and whipped around. Rowan walked in, standing with his arms crossed. 

"What was that?" 


"That! Lorcan hitting my brother."

"You dragged me here before I could ask. And I'm sure your brother is a big boy, he could take care of himself." Rowan always said things with such seriousness that she couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a joke. 

"So you don't care if your friend is going around punching random people?" Her hands flayed around, expecting some reaction from him. 

"Not if he can take care of himself." 

"It didn't matter to you that he punched my brother?" 

He blinked, nostrils flaring being the only sign of rising aggression. 

"Let me make this clear. We're not friends, Celaena. Just because we're smoking partners or whatever, doesn't mean I'll go around defending your kin to Lorcan. If it was me versus your brother, who would you have chosen?" 

She didn't reply. 

"Thought so. Good bye."

Without waiting for the reply, Rowan turned around and sauntered away. 

 She had never met someone who faced the darkness and wasn't a complete mess. Maybe she was wrong. 

For the first time in months, she wanted to get better. Rowan made her want and believe she could get better. 

Aelin just stared at Rowan walking away, the stitches on her soul ripping again until she realized Aedion, Dorian and Chaol were waiting for her. 


It had started raining at some point and Aedion knew Aelin was in a much fouler mood than the weather outside. 

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