Chapter 46

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Contains mature content but you know it by now. Still a warning out there.

"Don't worry, babe." One kiss on his right cheek.

"Just try to calm down." Another on his left cheek, right on the trail of the single tear of frustration.

"Everything will be okay." A press of lips on the forehead.

"I am here with you." A small peck on his lips before he pulled back.

Through his blurred vision of unshed tears, Dorian looked up at his boyfriend. Chaol's brown eyes were drooped, eyebrows creased in worry. For him. He had Chaol at least.

"But I don't get it how she could just abandon him like that! As much as I don't like my father, he is no criminal. How could mom just believe everything the news says and run off again to her parents? And she had the audacity to take Hollin and almost dragged me away too." Dorian groaned, pulling his hair, lying back down on his bed.

"Your mom has never been out of her little world of you, your father, Hollin and her parents. The backlash and bombardment by the media affected her a lot. With the school shut down for now, she is taking the weight of interrupted education of all those students on her shoulder." Chaol moved ahead, sitting beside Dorian, leaning on the bed rest.

"She didn't even listen to your father! She didn't care about leaving me. She just left, without giving dad a chance to prove himself innocent." She just left, his mom. After Dorian tried to reason with her, the Sheriff himself told his mom that his dad was innocent but his mom didn't want to hear. She just asked him once if he wanted to join her. He thought she was being rhetorical when he replied no. She packed her bags and was out with Hollin in an hour. No amount of pleading changed her mind as she drove off in a taxi.

Leaving Dorian all alone in his big ass house.

He looked up. Chaol was massaging his head, running a hand through his hair softly. His lips were pursued awkwardly, like he wasn't sure if it was okay to do. Dorian closed his eyes, humming. Not completely alone.

"Your dad is innocent. The moment the police find Perrington, your dad will be out in no time.Don't think about it too much now." Chaol's hands were gentle yet firm, sending down his neck.

Dorian opened his eyes, sitting upright. "You are right, I don't want to think about it. I need a distraction."

"That's great. Let's play- what are you doing?" Chaol's relieved smile vanished , replaced by widened eyes as Dorian climbed on his lap.

"Distracting myself." Chaol opened his mouth but Dorian didn't give him a chance to speak up as he pressed his lips against Chaol. Startled, Chaol got a hold of himself soon, his hand slipping on Dorian's waist to stabilize him while the other rested on his cheek. He remained the passive one, letting Dorian take the lead, kissing his frustration out. He was lost, any and every thought leaving his mind until all his attention was centered to Chaol's lips. Chaol's lips were warm but firm, the hint of a stubble tickling Dorian's clean jaw. Dorian's hands tried to tangle and untangle Chaol's hair, but it was so short that a chuckle left his lips.

"What happened? Was that okay?" Chaol pulled back, biting his inner cheek.

Dorian was now full on laughing. "It was more than okay. I just-" he breathed and started again, "- I tried to pull your hair but they are so short!" Dorian started wheezing again. Chaol touched his own hair.

"Should I grow them out?"

"Gods no- you're so cute." Dorian circled his arms around his boyfriend's neck, who stared at him with puckered lips and lovesick gaze.

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