Chapter 34

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Elide was being followed. Again. In the same hustle- bustle of the Perranth market.

And it was weird, because Lysandra was walking beside her, going on about Aedion and her anniversary date today. She was happy for the, genuinely happy, with a pang of jealousy, which she would have thought about further if this nagging in her stomach didn't go away.

"And then, I'm thinking of champagne but it's super expensive, so should I settle with red wine or white wine?"

"Whichever you prefer." Elide said, looking to sidelines, but it was all the daily customers, a lady recognizing and smiling at her. Elide smiled back.

"But my heart says your anniversary doesn't come everyday, so fuck it." Lysandra went on, walking slow to meet up with Elide's limp, which was throbbing now. It was her fault, she was the one who insisted on walking.

"Uh-huh." She nodded, pretending to agree to whatever Lysandra had said.

"But then there's Evangeline as well. I want to save up for her."

"You're doing the right thing." Elide just heard Evangeline's name and shrugged, noticing people on her other side, but there was no one out of ordinary. If you looked back, it could alert the person following that they were onto him.

"Doing the right thing means I break my own heart. How is that fair?" Lysandra paused, turning to her and crossing her arms.

"Lys, I think we are-"

"Yes, we are being followed. It's the old man selling cotton candy. You need to stop gawking around like a deer caught in a headlight or he'll know that we know." Lysandra gestured with her hands, as if in exasperation, taking Elide's arm in hers and whispered, like they were not more than two girls gossiping.

"How long?"

"15 minutes. At first I thought he was just moving around for selling, but then we circled around and he is still behind us. I texted Aedion. He's on his way. And I have enough weapons to get both of us out safely." She squeezed Elide's arm in reassurance.

Elide felt a pang go through her that always went through her at least once in a day.That how utterly, pathetically useless she was. Lysandra had noticed and already took action whereas she was just tugging on the baseless string of power of her intuition.

She turned around, hearing a loud horn bellowing through the market, followed by Aedion's shouts of move away, as their car slid into the view. Technically, like almost everything they owned, it was Arobynn's old car, but he had given it to them.

It stopped right in front of them, the flying dust sending everyone around them coughing as the car skid to a stop. Aedion lowered down the window, and said gravelly, "Get in."

They both heaved a sigh of relief, Elide keeping the check as Lysandra got in. She was going to step in when there it was, the tap on her shoulder, nudging her to look behind her, take a look at their stalker. Her eyes scanned the crowd, who had returned to their usual businesses. They moved past but returned. There. The old man was leaning on the wall, counting the money. He looked up at her, gave her a small smile and went back to counting. She turned, eyes moving past the crowd, ready to get in the car.

It suddenly hit her.

She looked back, behind the old man.

No one was there now.

The black hair, the ever sneering face of her nightmares.

No, Vernon was gone. Maybe it was just her nerves. But she still checked through the back window of the car. There was no one.

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