Chapter 15

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Chaol blinked at Dorian, who was sitting beside him at a small coffee house —and waiting for an answer to whatever he had said. Chaol gave an apologetic wince.

The Head Boy didn’t return Chaol’s half smile. In that car, with Celaena and her brother, it was so easy to forget that little argument they had. He thought Dorian had let it go. Apparently not.

Instead, Dorian quietly said, "You are overthinking about her, again."

Chaol took a bite from the cheese sandwich but tasted nothing. Dorian was too observant for his own good. And Chaol had no interest in talking about Celaena. Not with Dorian, not with anyone. Especially when he wasn't sure of his own thoughts. 

"I was thinking about my father," Chaol lied, knowing Dorian would not argue in this case. "He's overworking himself again on this, this case."

"So you're telling me the great detective, Chaol Westfall isn't able to help him?"

Chaol looked up his eyelashes to find Dorian sipping his bubble tea, mischief dancing in his sapphire eyes. He found hard not to smile, and harder to look away.

Thunder boomed outside, over the loud sound of rain pouring down as if God hadn't peed in days. Damn, he should stop hanging out with Celaena this much. Even his own mind was betraying him with such stupid thoughts. 

It was Dorian who broke the eye contact, leaning back in the chair, looking outside. He huffed slowly and a single lock of overgrown raven hair fell on his forehead. Chaol had a strange urge to swipe it back. He swallowed it down with his espresso.

"How long will they take to change the tire?" 

That was the main reason why they were sitting here. The car tire had gotten punctured and Dorian surprisingly didn't have a spare. Fortunately, there was a automobile shop nearby, and a coffee shop next to it. The mechanic told them to wait in the coffee shop. Half an hour had passed. Chaol felt as if everyone here was eyeing them, from the waitress to all the people sitting here. 

Was it because they were 2 guys? They weren't making any noise or any touchy-feely gestures. Did the people here get the wrong idea? Perhaps that's why Dorian had leaned back. 

It made him sink into his seat even further.  

"They said there was some problem with the engine too. Besides, the rain is now too much to drive." Dorian shrugged. 

The door opened, the gush of cold air sent a shiver through him that had him grab the cup again. The warmth seeped through his fingers and the bitter richness leaving a pleasant feeling in his mouth.

His mother had once joked that their taste in food was like their personality. Dorian-bubbly, colorful, liked by everyone. Chaol-dark, bitter, difficult to immediately like. But Dorian had come to his rescue that espresso was an acquired taste. Bubble tea had to change itself to be accepted by everyone but espresso was class. It didn't change for anyone, take it as it is. 

Too deep thought for a pre-highschooler but at that time all Chaol felt was grateful. That he had a friend like Dorian who defended him. And promised himself to always be there for Dorian. 

Those were the good days, children too innocent for the world, too naive to understand things. High school changed it all. 

"This place is too crowded for a small coffee house." 

"It's on highway, and the drinks and food are delicious." Dorian said between munching onto his sandwich, not one sliver on his mouth or dropping down. Perfect in everything. 

"Why are you so silent today, Kale?" That's it. He hated Celaena. "Is it so difficult to forget what happened and make a decent conversation with your best friend?"

High School Diaries (A Throne of Glass Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن