Chapter 29

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Aedion hadn't known what to do when Sam died and Aelin snapped.

He hadn't known what to do when Elide's leg was messed up.

He hadn't known what to do when Aelin showed them photos of her and Sam, she'd retrieved from Perrington's laptop.

He hadn't known what to do when Aelin told them that Kaltain had gone missing.

All he had known, that he was filled with an intense, unparalleled feeling of anger, worry, despair and helplessness that left a dull throbbing in each and every part of his body.

Same vulnerability threatened to collapse his knees when Aelin told him that she had fulfilled her part of the deal with Arobynn, to go see Perrington in prison.

Aelin, his younger baby sister Aelin, did so many sacrifices, lost so much at such a young age, and all he could do was watch from a side like the useless piece of mass he was. She trusted him enough to ask him to accompany her while she talked to Perrington, but not enough to tell him this before she went to Arobynn. The fact that she thought Arobynn would do anything for her in his power, even for exchange for something, more than Aedion would, left an uneasy coiling in his stomach.

Lysandra had tried to convince him that all Aelin wanted was that if someone dug up and reached the informants, they would lead to Arobynn, not Aedion. But he was still brooding, thinking. Aelin should not have had to make such decisions. She was not even 18, He failed her as a brother.

"Would you quit it?" Aelin's harsh whisper reverberated to her in the dark, dingy place. The musty underground smell suffocated him, but far more suffocating was the thought that Aelin had spent months here, even if she was innocent.

They were at Endovier, Erilea's biggest prison, for holding the deadliest of criminals.

"Quit what?" He scratched his head, the tiny particles of dust here making any of his exposed body part itch.

"Moping." She walked straight ahead, not looking anywhere nearby. He wondered what all unspeakable things she must have faced here, the torture she endured. The torture she was enduring now, walking these familiar hallways. It was his second time here, because in all those months,he was only allowed to meet with Aelin once.

"M'not moping." He shook his head, taking in the grey, dull walls, taking any kind of hope and colour from the prisoners' lives. Gosh, he was an idiot. He was so lost in his self pity, that he didn't realize how difficult it was for Aelin to even be here. ANd even then, she was trying to help him. One of her many unhealthy coping mechanisms.

"Yes you are, and I can feel the screws of your mind whirring from here."


"You got the point."

He hummed,not wanting to continue the conversation anymore. But Aelin stopped in her path and turned to face him.

"Look, it was my decision not to tell you because Arobynn already has you compensating for me not being an assassin anymore. And we're both partners, all of us are family. We take care of each other. You have and would've done the same in similar situations. So stop fretting."

He nodded, knowing he would have, in a heartbeat, but would he be able to piece himself together like her, he doubted.

"God, I hate you for making me mushy before interrogation." She chuckled dryly, but then took a few deep breaths, rolled her shoulders and exhaled loudly. "Don't say anything or come into the view, no matter what. Just note whatever I miss out on."

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