what is your love for yourself bby ?

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Glowed up, probably make more money than my dad now. I'm in my bag, heard they mad, now they furious -rubi rose

This is a process, this is not learned overnight, but thats what makes this beautiful. You can do it. Waking up everyday admiring yourself, being more confident than narcissistic is the end goal. You're a bad bitch. This is beyond your outer appearance. You have talents, qualities, and strengths that separate you from the rest. (List some, this is a place to acknowledge your beauty, brag allat). "You are a goddess from your outer exterior to your inner core, move like one." They're steps, this is the layout I have planned for you.

Self Acceptance
- Accept yourself, your flaws, your insecurities. The trick is to not label them as bad because are they really? We are the ones who create polarity. Think of for example stretch marks are they really bad? Unattractive? or are they just a result of puberty, weight gain etc and are those really bad my love? You have a working body. A body that keeps you alive. Makes scabs when you get cut. Fights off colds when you get sick. Love it, you are so much more than your appearance. You're body respects you so respect it.

Self Love
- Take care of yourself. You take care of the things that you love, value, and cherish. Romanticize yourself, your presence, your appearance. You are worth the upkeep. Admire yourself. When you look in the mirror there is no such thing as "ugly" a forbidden word in our dictionary. All you have to be is comfortable with yourself. Look at yourself love. Let go of all judgements. Be enough for yourself first, the world can wait. Put on lingerie even if its just yo ol raggedy bra and panties, imagine it being the baddest gear. Take videos of yourself. What do those comfortable with themselves do? Think of all the experiences people who feel confident do, how they walk, how they move. And ACT like that.

Self worth
- We teach people how to treat us. Boundaries. This is something I'm still working on myself again this is a process, and I'm sharing my experiences to make it easier for you. You deserve the finest treatment. If somebody bumps into you? The fuck are YOU saying excuse me for? Or orrrr a SORRY?!?? Fuck is a sorry. If they bump into you, its a "Excuse YOU miss/sir". (We are classy love sorry if you was expecting some gang shit 🧞‍♀️) Just a small act like that can show that your not the shy girl that can walked all over. Its a step, a step I want you to take. (Not talking to these rawr rawr bitches rn just wait). Treat others how they treat you. And I'm not talking bout eye for a eye. If someone treats you like shit, leave them like they ain't shit. CUT off people giving you half ass effort. You are worthy. You deserve money to be spent on you. You deserve to be spoiled. You deserve the FINEST treatment. Why settle for less?

You have nothing to be ashamed about, and seeing things that can be changed you are taking control in your life. -don't remember the bitch that said this

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