The Ending Of A Beginning

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Human nature is a strange thing. For the longest time, you could hate someone and never have talked to them and within a couple of minutes of actually conversing with them, you could adore them with all your heart.

Yes, human nature is a strange thing. Hate someone then love them, use someone and then ask for their forgiveness, do something terrible with no remorse and then wail and despair when the punishment comes. I guess that's kind of the interesting thing about being human.

Then maybe that was why my opinion on my favorite novel was so different from other fans. I'd been waiting for the final volume to come out for an entire year and had even pre-ordered it from the bookstore almost instantly. When the email had come that my book was here, I practically dashed like an Olympic sprinter to get there.

This type of energy could've really helped when I was almost late to work but whatever.

The bookstore was quiet per usual when I came in, making a beeline straight for the register.

"Excuse me." I said, "I pre-ordered a book and I recently got an email that said it arrived?"

The clerk nodded. "I can go back and see if it has. Name please?"

"Marie Johnson."

"One moment, please." The clerk walked away from the desk and went into a back room while I switched impatiently from foot to foot. The excitement of getting this book finally was killing me.

The book series I'm so obsessed with is called 'Dears Of Yesterday', a romance novel. It had originally caught my eye with its premise, the commoner protagonist turned nobility was common and all but the amnesia was a bit new. The protagonist, Carole Hollosend turned Carole Millstone, was a commoner girl with amnesia who found out she was the kidnapped and long lost daughter of the Earl Millstone, making her nobility. She went to go live with the Earl as his daughter, yadda yadda and then she attended a school for the noble and privileged to learn magic and court etiquette. She fell in love with the male lead, Prince Floyd von Andize. They had originally been in love when they were children before Carole was kidnapped and lost her memories. The problem was that Floyd was engaged to marry my favorite character, Ophelia Dubannes, the villainess who didn't take Carole hitting on her fiancee well. The last volume had ended before their final confrontation and I was itching to read it.

"Ma'am, is this the book you pre-ordered?" The clerk's voice broke me out of my thoughts. In her hands was the very book that could either complete or ruin my life for the next month, 'Dears Of Yesterday'.

I nodded. "Yes, that's the book."

"That'll be $17.99."

I took the money out of my wallet without hesitation and handed it to the clerk, who after checking it handed me my change and my book in a plastic bag. I was trembling with excitement.

"Have a good day ma'am."

"You too."

With the goodbyes out of the way, I rushed out of the store and back to my apartment, blonde hair blowing everywhere. It'd be a mess later but I could care less. The second I stepped into my apartment I threw off my jacket and my purse went onto the end table by the door. The only thing in my hand was that plastic bag with my book. Walking into my living room, I plopped myself down into my favorite chair and took the book out with enthusiasm.

The cover was beautifully illustrated, with the two opposing sides standing face to face with determined faces. Carole stood in the light with her brown hair and blue eyes, a pure beauty, while Ophelia stood in the dark with gold eyes glinted with confidence and malice that went perfectly with her raven black hair, a cool beauty. I couldn't help but squeal.

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