The Power Of The Dubannes Pt. 2

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"This morning, I woke up early to get my chores done as I knew in the afternoon my Mistress would be having a tea party with Miss Millstone."

"To clarify, you're talking about Carol Millstone, correct?"

"Yes. Miss Carol Millstone."

"Did Ophelia exhibit any strange behavior?"

"No. She was excited for the tea party with Miss Millstone, as she wished to make amends with her."


"Yes. Originally, my Mistress and her got off on the wrong foot. It was at the beginning of the school year during the first-year events."

"Please continue with the story."

"Yes. During the tea party, my Mistress realized she had accidentally left behind her handkerchief and asked me to retrieve it from her room. Miss Millstone's maid, Rachael, came along with me as her lady had also forgotten her handkerchief."

I paused after this and began to rub at my eyes as they began to burn a bit. Ah yes, tears, my old enemy. Fucking emotions. I wasn't the one in a hospital bed, she was.

"When Rachael and I arrived back we found my Mistress out cold on the ground, with the area in disarray. There were puddles of water everywhere and snacks scattered on the ground as well. M-my Mistress was so cold I," I truly began to cry at that point.

"I thought she was dead."

I rubbed at my eyes to no avail as the tears continued to pour down my cheeks. I thought that I had gotten all of those tears out my system at Ophelia's bedside, but it seems not. I calmed down at the words of the Headmistress.

"Miss Simmonds, we understand this is a sensitive topic for you." She paused and looked at me, making sure I was listening no doubt. "But, do you think that Carole Millstone committed this crime?"

"There is no doubt in my mind that she did this heinous act against my Mistress!"

I myself was shocked by my sudden outburst but calmed down. The Headmistress recovered quickly as well.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because ever since Miss Millstone came in contact with my Mistress, she's held her in contempt. There have been various incidents where she tried to humiliate my Mistress out of jealousy. I could not count them with two hands."

"Is there anyone who can verify these claims?"

I could only scoff softly. "Only the entire student body, Headmistress Mauve. Especially my Mistress' close friends."

"Could I have their names?"

"Miss Jane Bueford and Miss Flora Béchanger."

"Thank you, Miss Simmonds. If we have any more questions for you, we'll call for you."

And with that, my interview ended.


"Was she telling the truth?" Once the silver-haired woman left the office, Headmistress Mauve turned to the figure in the chair next to her desk.

He nodded. "Every word that came out of her mouth was the truth. Even the tears running down her cheeks were real."

"I've never heard of a maid like that. Well, that doesn't matter at the moment. Have those two girls called to my office. After that..."

The Headmistress leaned back in her chair and smiled.

"Send in Carol Millstone."


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