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As I so wonderfully deduced, Merlin was indeed the knight sent by the Dubannes family to protect Ophelia. I honestly expected someone older or with more experience to become Ophelia's knight but apparently Merlin had gained quite the reputation back home.

I hadn't heard much about him after out training sessions ended, but after Ophelia and I left for the academy he began exhibiting extreme physical strength and magical prowess. Lerone was so proud that he couldn't stop boasting. He was also called a handsome gentleman. I sure hope so. My lessons weren't for naught. They started calling him some kind of stupid name. 'Merlin the Gentleman' or something stupid.

Apparently I also had a reputation back home. At first I was just the youngest servant who everyone treated as their own daughter, then the servant who had the best chance of marrying into nobility due to my beauty, and then the most loyal servant due to me protecting Ophelia from Earl Millstone. I suppose I'm quite well respected. Or something.

When I asked Ophelia about her thoughts on Merlin before I officially met him again, this is all she had to say.

"He's a threat."

I don't know what she meant by that but I'm quite worried. Ophie always overreacted when it came to new people and often judged them harshly for it. It's a habit I've been trying to get rid of but it still seems to persist.

I'll have to work harder.

I've finally been introduced to Merlin again after all these years. I had finally been released from the hospital ward with the request that I take it easy. I was going to ignore them but it seems that Ophelia had already prepared for my reaction. I was strictly prohibited from doing any heavy lifting. It was too bad my definition of heavy and her definition of heavy were two different things.

But I digress. Coincidentally, I met Merlin during lunch. It was a lovely day for an outside picnic, so Ophelia and I found a nice shady spot under a willow tree and I began to set up. Merlin had come with us as he was tasked with following Ophelia around and ensuring her safety.

As I expected, he was still a pretty boy. He had grown into his features quite well. His dark blue hair had grown out a bit and now had a nice shine to it, his skin was still tanned but seemed a bit darker than the last time I remembered, and his charcoal eyes held a maturity they once didn't. Merlin now had defined facial features and even though he was wearing light armor, I could tell he was toned. He still hasn't looked me in the eyes yet, which is a bit annoying.

In conclusion, he still wasn't as attractive as Ophelia, but he didn't look half bad.

"Ava, did you bring them? Did you?" Ophelia was bouncing on the picnic blanket in excitement. It was always when she acted like a little kid that I wanted to tease her a bit.

"Did I bring what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"I do? But I don't remember anything. Perhaps I'm getting old..."


Ophelia had the most adorable pout on her face and I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright. I brought them."

Her eyes instantly lit up as I pulled the anticipated food out of the picnic basket. Ophelia's very favorite scratch made lemon madeleine cookies. The scent of lemon and sugar quickly filled the air, causing the black-haired girl's mouth to water.

However, before she could grab one of her beloved snacks I put it back into the basket.

"You can have cookies after you've eaten real food."

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