Air Magic Is Kinda OP

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At the moment, I'm serving Ophelia her afternoon tea and lunch as she stares me down. I had managed to avoid her questions from earlier by running away like my life depended on it. There was only so long I could avoid the person I served on daily, however.

Standing behind Ophelia and trembling a little is me, watching as she takes a slow sip out of her teacup before slowly setting it down in its saucer. "So, Ava. Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?"

"..... I hope you're having a wonderful time on your first day."

It was silent between us two before Ophelia slammed her hand down on the table, causing me to jump back. "Ava. That wasn't the answer I wanted." Her voice was cold as she slowly stood up from her seat and turned to look at me. I cowered away a bit, stepping back from her. I could tell without fail that Ophelia was mad at me.

"What I said wasn't a lie..."

"But it wasn't what needed to be said."

"I missed preparing you for your first day. Of course it was necessary."


As our back and fourth continued, I was backing away from Ophelia while she was approaching me. Honestly, second most terrifying experience I've ever had. I would not tell Ophelia of what happened earlier without a fight. While I knew she wouldn't fly into a jealous rage or anything due to what happened, I didn't want her to go searching out Carole or Floyd for an explanation either. Sure, neither of those things could happen if I told but I'd like to reduce all chances of her being executed, thank you very much.

"I honestly have no idea what you want me to say."

"You know exactly what I want you to tell me."

"And pray tell what that might be?"

"Oh, I don't know. Why you ran away from me so suddenly when I asked you a simple question?"

"I did that? Lil ol me?"

Before I knew it, I had back tracked right into a tree trunk. The worst possible place to stop while outside for lunch with a mistress who used nature magic was hunting for answers. Before I could move off of it, the tree had bent down its branches and wrapped around me tight, practically preventing all movement of mine. Crap.

Ophelia stood before me with a sickly sweet smile that caused shivers to run down my spine. I'd never seen her so upset. Did this really matter to her so much?!

"You know I hate it when you keep secrets from me."

Oh. That's what this was about. Ophelia did always want to know what I was doing ever since that incident from so many years ago. Perhaps she was afraid I'd betray her. That made her anger a bit more understandable.

"Would you hate it so much if it was for your own good?"

"Especially if it was for my own good."

At this point, Ophelia stood right before me, only a couple centimeters and the tree branches that held me captive keeping us apart. Instead of rage, now she seemed to be upset. I felt myself quickly caving in as tears seemed to well up in her eyes. She's really learned how to play my heart strings like a fiddle

      "Ophie, I didn't tell you because I thought you'd get upset but... CaroleandFloydendedupmeetingandIthinkthatshefellinlovewithhim."

      "..... Ava I didn't understand a word you said. Slower please."

     I took a deep breath. "I said that Carole and Floyd ended up meeting and I think she fell in love with him."

     What happened next was... Unexpected. Ophelia blinked at me for a little and then this shine appeared in her eyes. Not one of rage or obsession but of... Of joy. Strange.

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