The Power Of The Dubannes Pt. 1

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"Young Miss!"

My body was moving before my mind could catch up. Kneeling next to Ophelia, I already had her body in my arms.

She was soaked to the bone somehow and unbelievably cold to the touch. Thankfully, she was still breathing although it was labored.

"Rachael, go get the guards this instant!" I turned back to yell commands at the blonde girl who flinched and nodded frantically. "And bring a doctor as well!"

Rachael was running off in seconds to fulfill my requests. She knew better than anyone that she ought to as there was only one person who had the opportunity and motive to do such a thing.

Her own bitch of a mistress.

"Ophie? Ophie, can you hear me?" My voice had gotten a lot softer, but it felt hard to squeeze the words out.

A gargled noise came out of Ophelia's mouth before water came gushing out in quick spurts. That's when I began to actively panic more than I already was.

"Oh my god, oh my god- It's gonna okay, Ophie. Just get all the water out. Just get it all out."

What do lifeguards do when they get a drowning victim out of the water? Shit, what's it called?! Mouth to mouth resuscitation! But I don't know how to do that! And I don't have a phone to look up how to do it on!

Why did I have to get an office job?! And why is this story in a fantasy world that doesn't use electricity?!

I only thing I could think of to do was to gently push on Ophelia's chest to get more water to come out. That happened to work, but it still gave me a terrible scare. It was the only thing I could think of to do until the guards and doctors came along and had me pried away from her. I can distinctly remember only being able to say one thing when they asked me what happened.

"It was Carol Millstone. She did this, she did this to my lady."


"Headmistress Mauve."

The words were the only thing heard within the office other than the scratching of a pen against parchment. The scratching of the pen came to a slow stop as the hand holding it had it set down.

"Yes, Secretary Rose?"

"There's been an incident."

"An incident? What kind of incident?"

The aforementioned Secretary Rose couldn't help but begin to shake at the chilling voice the older women before her asked the question in. Headmistress Mauve was known for being especially strict when it came to school rules, and violence among students was especially regarded as something she was strictest with.

"A-an, an incident in which Miss Ophelia Dubannes was injured by what we suspect to be another student and is currently in critical condition. We have to contact her family and the suspect's family to see if they wish to press any charges as we do the investigation."

The temperature of the office reached an all time low as Secretary Rose watched the elderly Headmistress shake in what she perceived to be anger.

". . . Please restate the name of the victim and suspect."

"M-Miss Ophelia Dubannes is the victim and Miss Carol Millstone is the suspect as of current."

A crash caused the young secretary to jump into the air in fright as Headmistress Mauve swept everything off her desk in a rage.

"That Millstone girl just doesn't know when to stop! Has she no shame?! No sense of family pride?! A stain on this school's reputation I say! Rose, get me the fastest messengers we have for the Dubannes, they'll cause a fright over this."

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