Holiday Special🎄🎅🎁

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! We're here on Christmad Day with your's truly, the often belated Authoress MarillCakes!

Today, I have with me the requested drabbles/scenarios on AUs you all asked for this Christmas or other holidays. Exciting! Remember, you guys are always welcome to add to these drabbles in the comments or write your own! I love reading them!

Although not all of the AUs asked for will be shown, I did as many as I could and hope you all enjoy them! I only had so much time to work on them all. I might post more throughout the winter break. The most requested AU that we will be starting with is...

[Idol AU, An Interview With M&M]

"Good evening, Andize Country!" The cheerful voice cut through the studio, bringing about a round of applause from the audience. The host was sat comfortably in a chair pulled up to a desk, decked out in a fancy magenta suit and tie with his microphone held in hand.

"This is your host, Mr. Magenta, live in the studio with some very special guests!" Mr. Magenta was grinning ear to ear despite the cold sweat running down his back. He'd been doing this show for years, watching stars rise and fall as they came onto his show. But never in his career had he been this nervous about doing an interview with an up-and-coming idol group. Hell, he barely had idol groups on his show. It was usually actors and solo performers, but the demand for them had been so high that his producers forced the interview on him. "Everyone, please welcome our special guests! You know them, you love them, and if you don't you will soon! Put your hands together for M&M!"

The crowd exploded into cheers, screams, and chants. Much more energy than he was given when he came on stage, but okay. It was understandable. He was an old man and the two ladies walking on stage with poise were pretty.

M&M, known in full by Mistress&Maid, was an idol duo quickly gaining popularity both nationally and internationally. This not only for their talent and promise shown in their debut album, Candlelit, but their stunning visuals. This was meant both in the music videos for their album and the members themselves.

The oldest member was Ava, who had been with the agency the longest and was currently 22. She brought the dancing skills to the group and had actually opened Candlelit's MV with a solo dance choreography that had quickly pulled people in. Her appearance was also quite interesting. Pale skin with long, silvery, almost slightly purple hair, and pink eye contacts (As far as he knew). A mature beauty is what people often called her. The Maid part of M&M. Her quick wave to the crowd got them screaming again as she sat down. There was also the factor of her outfit, form-fitting black pants with a high-neck lacey white blouse along with a thin black ribbon tied sideways along the neck.

Then there was the other part of the duo. The Mistress in M&M. The omnipresent Ophelia. Black hair, yellow eyes, and a lot of personality. It made sense why she was so popular. Ophelia had grown up in the spotlight due to two famous and rich parents, to the point some people suspect she bought her way into the entertainment industry. Her talent in vocals couldn't be denied though.

People couldn't help but notice the close relationship between the two either. Rather than friends or co-workers, they were like sisters. Some extremists would say lovers, but they were often dismissed. Even on the show, you could see how close they were.

"Welcome, ladies. It's wonderful to have you here tonight."

Ava gave Mr. Magenta a soft smile. "It's wonderful to be here, Mr. Magenta. I've watched your show since I was a kid, always been excellent."

A charmer per usual, as he'd been told by their manager.

"It's always great to meet a fan. As you've probably been told, we have some questions for you ladies."

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