To Tide You Over

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Hello, my lovely readers! As of current your beloved cliff-hanging Authoress is going through the very dreaded writer's block. Which is preventing me from creating the next chapter of VRP.


Until I get out of my slump, I will provide you all with two, not one, but TWO sets of headcanons for my favorite AUs while I attempt to write the next chapter. So sorry, but my brain decided to not properly cooperate.

So! Here's your tide over headcanons!

Idol AU - Headcanons

·Ironically, Ava was originally supposed to debut as a solo artist but after Ophelia joined and higher-ups noticed how well they went together, they became a duo
· Their debut album, Candlelit, is an EP with three tracks that tells the story of a broken relationship. The first track, Candlelit, is the build-up of the relationship and the romance that went into it. The second track, Lost, shows the cracks in the relationship while the third and final track, Shards, makes it cleae that everything has fallen apart and nothing can fix it. It was a powerful debut that caught a lot of attention with it's tone and vocals.
· Fans of M&M are known as Guests, as a Mistress entertains guests while the Maid works behind the scenes so everything goes smoothly.
· The group name M&M was developed after the interactions between Ava and Ophelia were observed by producers.
· Though a true visual for the group was never established, fans argue about which of the two are more visual. Everyone agrees that they're both extreme visuals though.
· Ophelia is the vocals of the group while Ava is the dancer and choreographer, so far none of their songs have had rapping parts.
· There are many rumors (supposedly spread by another debuting idol Carole, her partner Rachael has not been implicated) that Ophelia bought her way into the entertainment industry which the girl vehemently denies.
· The rumor of the romantic relationship between Ophelia and Ava began after fans noticed how close the two were. They were physical with each other consistently, holding hands, hugging, even cheek kisses. But no one can deny that their livestreams are incredibly adorable.

FinalBoss' Wife AU - Headcanons

· The married couple didn't have a giant wedding or anything. The only reason that the quickly being conquered world knew about the marriage between the Dark Lady Ophelia and her Guard General Ava was that she ramped up her Dark Lady conquest to 11 with no warning with only the claim "My wife said she has a surprise for me if I can reach the Holy Lands by next week."
· Ava got really sick of wannabe heroes trying to break into the 'Dark Castle' (her home with her wife) to 'save her' as somehow people thought she was a foreign princess forced into marriage with Ophelia and that saving her would bring great rewards. It was honestly funny to see their expressions when Ava herself quickly killed them.
· Many servants of Ophelia's have no idea she adores lap pillows. Ava will sometimes spend an entire morning with Ophelia's head in her lap, trying to encourage her to do Dark Lady things.
· Those who actually faced off against Ava in her position of Guard General knew her as a name she despises, the Silver Wind Demon. Ophelia now teasingly calls her Silver Demon and almost loses a hand everytime. Doesn't stop her from thinking she's unbelievably adorable.
· Alexander is Ava's pet Floon, even if she calls him a Goose, only for the reason that when Ophelia brought home his egg as a present she said if Ava didn't like it she'd just kill it. Ava took pity on him since she saw her own abandonment and kept him. The whole nurturing thing got Ophelia thinking about children.
· Ophelia was born into a small family that turned large, so she's always wanted a large family of her own. Ava lost her family to the Church and has always wanted a family she could protect now. Which is why the Castle Potionmaker is fearing for their life as the Dark Lady gets impatient with their slow development of a potion to help her wife get pregnant.
· The potion is created after failure and fear for the Potionmaker's life. Ava spitefully calls the aftermath of taking the potion 'The Bedridden Honeymoon' for obvious reasons. She had never felt more relieved in her life then when she found out she was pregnant. Ophelia was the only constantly freaking out.
· When their daughter, Elodie, is born the couple and Castle is beyond overjoyed. Though they both worried about her status as a half-demon. However, little Elodie's health is excellent and she develops well.
· Ophelia is an extremely doting parent and you can pry this idea from my cold, dead hands. She has killed millions of enemy soliders in her daughter's name and was ecstatic when Ava announced a second pregnancy.
· Elodie is the Princess of the Dark Castle and despite her only half-demon status, the servants and high-ranking officials dote on her. The only one who's strict with her is Ava, which is for the best.
· Eloide was almost killed by the Church once and both her parents were beyond livid. To the point that Ophelia almost killed all the Castle staff for their incompetence and killed the Head Priest after weeks of torture.
· They end up having between 2 to 5 kids (because Ava had to put her foot down at some point before she just became a baby machine)

REMEMBER PEOPLE. I always love to see your guy's comments and add-ons to these things, so leave them in the comments!

I'll try to have the next chapter up as soon as possible, but I can make no promises.

Love you guys, bye ❤❤❤

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