Chapter 13

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Shadow's P.O.V.
I hung up and looked at Rouge. I didn't say anything as I quickly grabbed her and chaos controlled us to the hospital. Scourge was carrying a crying and whimpering Sonic in his arms. I took him away from him and quickly dashed to a doctor.

Scourge wanted to come in but Rouge stopped him. "Only the parents are allowed, Hun." She said and I went into a room as the doctors said for me to put him down in the bed, I did so and held Sonics hand. He was yelling in pain by now.

"Sonic, you are still not ready to be in labor. You'll have a few more contractions before we take you in. A nurse will be coming in to check up on you every few minutes." The doctor said once Sonic stopped yelling and was panting heavily. He was holding my hand tightly and slowly lost his grip on it.

"Sonic..." I wanted to make sure he was okay but he lowly growled at me and I stayed quiet.

"I'm scared..." He sobbed, I pinned my ears down and sighed.

"I know you are... But everything will be okay, I will stay here through it all and make sure you are okay. If you're scared, just hold my hand. You can hold it as tight as you need, I don't care." I sighed and he nodded slowly as he hesitantly squeezed my hand.

Why did I never see how cute you are? How nice and gentle, and caring you are... How beautiful, no, gorgeous you really are... Why was I always so cruel to you...? "I'm sorry..." For everything I have done, Sonic I am so sorry.

"For what...?" He asked softly.

"For everything. I promise you, I will never hurt you again. I promise to protect you and the pup with my life." I said softly back at him. He smiled slightly at me and nodded. "I promise I will change, for you and for the pup, I will."

Sonic's P.O.V.
Shadows words made me cry from happiness, I just wanted him to be around. I want our pup to know her dad and I want her to be happy. I want nothing but the best for her. 

After a few more painful contractions, I was finally taken care of by the doctors. I as yelling loudly in pain as I squeezed Shadows hands tightly. I knew I was going to leave a bruise but I did not care. 

"Sonic, its okay, its okay. Breathe." Shadow kept repeating as he hissed lightly while I held his hand even tighter. 

"Push." The doctor kept repeating and I did as I was told until finally...

I heard a cry and small and quiet whimpers. I panted heavily and dropped my ears as I let some tears out from the pain. I had been in the hospital for about 16 hours already. I was weak, tired, and in so much pain. I saw the doctors take her and I pinned my ears down wanting to hold her. 

"Its okay... they are going to clean her for us to carry her." Shadow said gently and petted me. I slowly nodded and calmed down. After a few minutes, they brought her in and I smiled softly. They handed her to Shadow and he softly smiled, his smile showing so much love and his eyes were watery. He let a few tears out and I smiled at that. He sat down and passed her to me, I held her and let some tears out. 

"Shes...perfect..." I pet her gently as she kept her eyes closed, she slowly opened them after a bit and smiled at seeing my eye color, she looked a lot like Shadow. She had black fur with a blue streak and green emerald eyes, her quills were just like Shadows. She had no chest fur but my peach color stomach and peach arms just like mine. She was perfect.

"She is..." Shadow said softly as he looked at us and cleaned his tears, his smile wasn't going away. I looked up at him and he looked at me.

Before I knew it, we both leaned in...

And we kissed...

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