Epilogue Part 1

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Sonic's P.O.V.

"MARIA!!!" I shouted as I woke up. I panted heavily and looked around. "W-where am I...?" I held my held since I felt pain and dizzy.

"Well, well, well~" I looked up and saw someone I didn't want to see in my entire life. "Look who we have here~"

"Scourge?!" I stood up and tried to reach him. He was above me in a platform, I was in a clear tube. As I tried to reach him, I noticed something, I was chained down to the floor.

"You can't get out, Blue~" He smirked proudly. I growled and tried to break free but the chain shocked me. "Don't even bother, or you'll die sooner~" He laughed maniacly.

I felt the floor move, I looked around. I was right, the floor went lower an inch and now water was coming in from under me. I started panicking, if the water doesn't stop, I am going to drown!

"Let me go! Where is Shadow and Maria?!" I yelled. "Help!" I panicked. I didn't know what to do. It had been years since I had fought, since I used my speed for fighting.

"Don't worry. Shadow wad taken care of, hes now with his original Maria and Maria? Well, she is on her way to her new owners." Scourge smirked and I growled loudly.

"NO! LEAVE HER ALONE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! SHADOW!!!" I refused to believe he had sold my daughter. I refused to believe Shadow got killed. I refused. I refused.

"There's only one way to get out of there and see Maria again." Scourge crossed his arms, the water was all the way to my knees already. I kept trying to break the chains. "You marry me and belong to me for the rest of your life~" He chuckled.

I knew what he wanted. He just wanted to use me. He wanted me to be his toy. His sex toy.

If I didn't get out, I was going to die. I couldn't let Maria get taken away. They'll torture her! I had tears rolling down my muzzle as I thought of a way to get out.

Where are my friends...? Do they know I am missing...? Did Shadow go get help...?

"F-for how long have you kept me here?!" I looked around, I was in Eggmans base, for sure. I've been here before, in this exact same spot, just that this glass tube wasn't here. I tried to pull the chain but I got shocked again, by now I was floating over the water.

I looked up at him, he had a communicator on and was growling lowly. If I've learned anything from when Maria mumbles is to listen very carefully. Scourge was talking and saying 'Have you found them yet?! They'll be back for Sonic! Keep watch outside!' In a very low voice.

Now I knew what I had to do. "You've been here for 3 days. You won't make it any more." He smirked as he finally looked at me again.

"I rather not." My heart was pounding. Shadow has Maria, they are safe, that's all I needed to know. "Because I am NOT going to marry you, I am NOT going to be used as your fucking toy!" I snapped at him who simply chuckled.

"Suit yourself then. Goodbye Sonic, I'm not going to miss you." The water was already by my neck and going up. He clicked a button and I yelled and gasped for air.

I closed my eyes.

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