Chapter 18

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Shadow's P.O.V.
"Everything is going to be okay, Shadow." Rouge said as I held Maria, it had passed a week and Sonic wouldn't say a word over what happened. He only talked about Maria to me.

"When I said the pup was going to bring surprises, I didn't mean this." The fox boy said as he rubbed her ear making her purr loudly. I was over protective over her but I knew I could trust him.

"Shut it." I said coldly at him who clearly didn't care.

"I mean, I knew Sonic liked you but I didn't know you did as well." He confessed and I looked at him shocked.

"You knew?" I asked and he nodded. I simply groaned and rubbed my face.

"Don't worry, I am sure Sonic will realize he still has feelings for you. You are both just so stupid when it comes to love." The fox said and I glared at him.

"Yeah he sure is the dumb ass. He trusts Scourge too much. Look!" The brat burst through the door, Maria didn't even cry, she started giggling at the broken door. This little girl sure is my daughter.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked her, she simpky passed me the phone to see a picture of Scourge kissed another female mobian.

I was furious, I couldn't believe Scourge was doing this to him. He was using him, he was just taking him away from me! I truly had feelings for him and he never did! Of course he never did! He is a player! Always has!

I growled and as I did, Maria started growling as well. She looked like a mad puppy, it looked more cute than scary. Her ears were dropped and she bit my finger while growling. I shook my head and tried to calm down, Maria calmed down as well.

"I need to find him." I said as calm as I could but it was clear I was pissed.

"We can take care of Maria. You go look for Scourge." Rouge said and I nodded as she took her in her arms. I stood up and chaos controlled outside. I immediately started looking for that bastard.

I looked everywhere until I finally found him on his way to Sonics house. I quickly grabbed his arm and took us to the forest then punched him. "What the hell is the matter with you?!" He snapped at me.

"What the hell is the matter with YOU?! You are cheating on him!" I snapped at him as well.

He simply smirked and crossed his arms. "As if he isn't?" He said and my ears perked up confused as I growled. He simply punched me in the face and I was about to returned it when he started talking. "I wouldn't do it if I were you. I know you kissed Sonic in the hospital and it wasn't only once. You told him you loved him as well. Don't you think I keep him checked?"

I couldn't help but growl even more at that. "That doesn't give you the right to-" He cut me off.

"Maybe not. But you are forgetting one thing, Sonic is with me. You have done nothing but hurt him, we are about to get married soon~." He smirked again making me want to kill him. "If you want to see your precious little girl, then back off and keep your mouth shut. If you and your friends say a word, Maria and Sonic will disappear. Understood? You don't want to risk it now, do you?" I froze. "Yeah, I thought so." He walked away.

What do I do...?

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