(CL) - Ever heard the story about the butterflies?

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"I have to go on, I don't have time to stay home and be sad. Understand?" The racer walks in front of me, trying to escape me. The emotion in his voice hurts, he won't admit it though. "It's a waste of time."

"Charles, it's okay to be sad sometimes. The death of your father is not nothing. And we've seen a drop in your performances these past few weeks. I think it's best for you to take a break and mourn." I say while looking through the papers on my clipboard. He makes a sudden stop and I almost bump against him.

"I. Don't. Need. A. Break!" He cries out, turning around to face me, his hands pulling on his beautiful brown hair. His eyes speak loud and clear, he's broken by the loss. "And I definitely don't need to mourn."

"Charles, as your manager it's my job to look out for you. Everyone understands your situation right now, it won't hurt to take a break."

"I'm already here so it's better to get something done now. Do you even know how it is to lose someone so close to you?" He almost screams in my face, I give him a simple nod. His head bows to the ground in shame. "You never get to talk to them again, they're gone! Forever! Just not here, not anymore."

"And al the regret floods in. You regret every fight, or every time you said no to an activity. The anger, the sadness, the memories, they hit like a truck." I see him calm down and I give him a pitying look.

"Who did you lose?" He says looking into my eyes, his green eyes soften.

"Many, many loved ones." I lower my clipboard as he steps a little bit closer.

"How did you deal with this?" He asks, his voice almost in a whisper but loud enough to hear. He looks at his hands, not knowing what to do with them.

"Ever heard the story about the butterflies?" I ask, well-knowing the answer.

"No never?" He looks up to me, questions in his eyes. "Tell me, please?"

"Let me tell you a small story. Legendes be told that every time you see a butterfly, a passed loved one is visiting you from the afterlife." I touch his arm and he relaxes under my touch.

"Do you really believe that? Do you have facts?" I knew he would ask that, he's a logic guy after all.

"I don't have any real facts. But let me tell you another story, one about my life. My aunt, Moni, told me that same story I just told you in short, at first I didn't buy a single word she said. Later, my great aunt in Canada passed, I had a great bond with her. I heard the news in the morning, I walked outside with an excuse that I had to feed the fish in our small pond. When this beautiful white butterfly flew to me, just a couple of centimetres away from my face, staying there for a while then flying around me. Normally I would've run away, scared of every insect on this planet, but I didn't. Somehow I knew it was her, my aunt." I smile at the memory of that moment, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks, he notices.

"Don't cry, don't cry. It's a beautiful story. It's just I'm on the track every day now, get here when it's still dark and leave again in complete darkness. I just don't think I can believe it. I mean, he'll never visit, butterflies don't go to this place..." 

"oh no?" I take my phone out my back pocket and take a picture of the racer. I show him the picture. "How do you explain the blue butterfly on your cap right now then?"

"How? Why?" He gasps, I give him a giggle. The butterfly flies up in the air between us. Charles looks at it in 'aw'. "Is it real? Could it be him?"

"That's up to you, do you believe?"

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

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