(LN) - Not seeing my girlfriend

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Thissss wass a request! Thank you so much for it, I really like writing arguments lol. I hope you'll like it. <3

Happy reading!

"Like you have such a safe job!" I throw the paper of the data about the bomb blast on the ground, fed up by the Formula 1 driver named Lando Norris. He crosses his arms at looks at me sassy, like he owns the world. We've been together for almost 5 years, next week is our anniversary.

"At least I don't work with bombs." He nags, working even more on my nerves.

"B*tch please, it was once, we made one mistake once."

"You almost died! You lost half your crew."

"I survived, I love the Marines. I love the crew." 

"Well, the ones who have survived..." He nags me, glancing out of the window of our apartment.

"Shut up! You're totally not being fair right now."

"You know what's not fair? Not seeing my girlfriend, all the other drivers have their girls with them this coming race but you'll be gone. Being scared lifeless every day, not knowing if you're going to make it. Not being able to marry you, no matter how bad I want to, because you don't want to leave me as a widow; I heard you and your friend talking, you know. I can't f*cking show you off because you're always gone. I should be the one you're complaining to how I'm never there for you, but it's me, I am needy. I want you here."

"I- I don't have any words."

"Please, please. There's an amazing clinic downtown, they still need a doctor-"

"I'll give it a look." I smile to him, I don't want us to fight about this. If I'll continue in the Marines, we'd get a half new crew. Having to get to know so many people now makes my airway tighten and I shiver by the thought of the first night together. I had a great bond with my crew, they are like family. I have never felt like this, having a family what really feels like family. I don't want to give them up, but I have to face it; I'll start my own family, with a man I love dearly and whole loves me, I can start a family with Lando.

"I love you, you know it right?"

"I know, I love you too. And my answer is yes." His eyes widen, he smiles in disbelieve. I can see him thinking about if I meant the thing he hopes I meant, confusing even for me.


"You said you wanted to marry me? Bad...? My answer is yes."

"Oh my, oh no. Wait here." Lando sprints in our bedroom and a minute later he comes out of the bedroom, in a suit and with a little box in his hand. He goes on one knee, making me smile brightly. I notice him shaking, even though he knows my answer. "My Y/n, love of my life, will you make me the luckiest person in the universe and marry me?"

"Yes, yes I will." He swiftly puts the ring around my finger and stands up. I lean in and kiss his soft plump lips roughly. I can't wait till our wedding day.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

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