(LN, CL, MV, SB) - She was so happy.

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Happy reading


Lando's point of view


"Good Quali done, Pierre." Y/n pats my chest and walks away again. I look around me, getting confused when I don't see Pierre and the qualification hasn't happened yet. I see Charles talking to Max and I walk over to them.

"Guys, Y/n just called me Pierre."

"She seemed off to me too." Charles looks into the direction she walked in.

"She mixed up our names too; she thought I was Alex." Max chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What happened to her?" I look in the same direction and I see her talking to some Torro Roso engineers. "She looks like she hasn't slept for days."

"Her boyfriend broke up with her for another girl, I heard." Seb joins us, I look to him and he rests his hand on Charles' shoulder.

"That's mad. She was so happy." Max sighs, not getting why.

"This is just brutal." Charles shakes his head in disapproval.

"We should do something nice for her." I look at the others, they all nod in agreement.

"I'll bring her to her apartment later, if you go there now you can make it comfortable for her." Vettel says, jogging away. The rest of us look at each other and we start to walk out, on our way to her apartment. I take out my keys, her spare key's on it.


"Funny how she always seems to get us together." I laugh, placing a warm fluffy blanket on her bed. I hear the intro of her favourite movie coming from the television, Max stops it before it plays the movie any further. 

"She's something different." Charles smiles to me while hanging the Christmas-like lights over the mirror. I have to say, it does look cosy. "They're here in ten!"

"Where's the chocolate?" I ask Max, he bought it on our way here.

"The backpack." Max points to the pile of bags. He opens the mini-fridge, taking out her favourite drink. I walk over to the pile.

"Which one?" I pull up two bags, how am I supposed to know which he means?

"Mine." He laughs out, acting like it's obvious. 

"Which one's yours?" I raise my voice, getting stressed of the timelimit.

"The pink."

"You got that from Hulk, didn't you?" I chuckle, holding it up in the air. Max nods and puts the drink next on her nightstand. I take the Chocolate out the pink backpack and place it on her pillow.

"The hotel room looks amazingly comfortable." Charles takes a step back to look into the room. We hear mumbling on the hallway. "Seb said ten minutes, this wasn't ten minutes."

"We're done anyway." Max says, as relaxed as someone can be.

"How does he do that?" I whisper to Charles, he shrugs his shoulders. The sound of the room pass opening the door fills the room, leaving us all in silence.

A gasp leaves Y/n lips when she walks in. Her hands find the way to cover her mouth and she walks towards us. She looks into my eyes and I can see that she's happy again. I open my arms for her and she practically jumps into them.

"Guys, you're so sweet." She mumbles into my chest, loud enough for us to hear. "Thank you."

"We prepared you your favourite movie, snacks and drinks." Max gestures around the room as she looks up, slowly escaping my embrace. She walks to Charles and hugs him too, she looks so happy in his arms. Why not in mine?

"Thank you, I need this." She walks to Max and hugs him tightly, he shakes her a little and it makes her laugh. I love that laugh.

"We'll leave you to it-"

"No stay. Please, stay." She tugs on my arm, pulling me to the bed. My heart skips a beat and I sit down. Until she looks at the others and pats down on the bed for them to sit down too.

"I'll get more pillows from my room!" Seb sprints out of the room, getting all excited.

"I'll help." Max runs after him, the footsteps are echoing through the hallway.

"I'm going to the cafe to get some beers." Charles walks out too, now we're alone. I rest against the headboard.

"I love this." She cuddles up to me, I start to blush. Her arm curls around my waist, pulling me close. I close my arms around her and I smell her flowery perfume.

"I'm happy you like it." I manage to get out. Seb and Max get back in, laughing their asses off. They let themselves fall on the bed with the piles of pillows in their arms.

"I see you already claimed the girl, huh?"

I hope you liked it. If you did, it would mean the world to me if you vote and comment ☻♥


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