(CS&LN) If you even love one of us.

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Who'd like a smut?

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The whole weekend I heard the British accent trying to overrule the Spanish accent and vice-versa. They know it hurts and annoys me and they try to not fight around me. They think I can't hear them, but now even the team is getting annoyed by them. Today's Thursday and the track walk's tonight, I'm standing at the pit wall and in the back Lando and Carlos are word-fighting each other again. Now the team's just trying to laugh it off because they know they can't stop them, but that's why they've invited me.

"Carlos, you have to go. I was first. Plus this is my box."

"Shut up, milky boy."

"I shut up? You shut up!"

"I'm the one with experience, you've never been in a relation-"

"Guys, stop this fighting." I try to laugh, walking over to them. My chest's feeling heave of the slight emotional pain.

"Y/n!" They say in harmony, looking at me in a slight shock. They're giving each other a hateful look right after.

"That's me. Now, stop fighting. I don't want to have to stop a fist-fight later over some girl." I cross my arms in front of me. "Or boy, not judging..."

"It's not just some girl." Lando moans gesturing his desperate feeling with his hands

"No, she's amazing." Carlos says, looking to me.

"I've never felt so in love. Not even with Rossi!"

"Then confess stupids. And the girl will choose."

"Not that easy." Lando sighs, looking at me like I'm crazy

"No, it's not easy at all."

"Well, this is something you can agree on. Now, stop this childish behaviour and be friends again."

"No." Lando says shortly, frowning at me.

"We're not childish!" With Carlos' last words I just walk away, shaking my head while smiling a little.


"Y/n?" I hear my name and feel a soft tap on my shoulder, I don't drop my papers by the touch because I know who it is.

"Yes, Land?" I say his nickname and smile a bit, focusing on my papers. I'm highlighting a piece of data that catches my eye.

"You want to walk with me tonight?" I can hear him shuffle on his feet, making me smile even more. I hand my papers to the person next to me and put my highlighter down.

"I'm sorry, I already promised Carlos..." I turn around to face him, his hand scratches the back of his head.

"Oh okay, no problem. Have fun with him." He nods to Carlos' pit box, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you, babes." I smile to him, his eyes slightly widen at my nickname. He knows I call everyone that, but still it's getting him off guard for a second.

"Babes." He mumbles under his breath when he walks away, head hanging low.


"I got us some snacks for the track walk." Carlos pulls a chocolate bar out of his pocket and hands me one.

"Oh my, I've been craving that the whole day!" I smile to him, opening the wrapping. "You're a hero."

"I do have to listen and get some data though." He whispers before we stop talking and catch up with the others.

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