(CL) - Is it true Charlotte was Giada's best friend?

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This was a request, I changed it a little because I actually really love Charlotte and Charles together. Like, whenever there's a photo taken of Charles he seems genuinely happy, same goes for Giada. I wish them all the best they can have, no matter their past. 

Happy reading!

"And why did I have to come to Switzerland again?" I sigh and fall back in my seat.

"I want you to meet Charlotte, my girlfriend."

"You didn't want me to meet Giada so bad..." I look to Charles and I see his grip on the steering wheel tightens. 

"We practically grew up with her, you already knew her."

"I know your new girl too."

"Yeah, you dislike her, I know you sister." I look at the clock on the dashboard. 10 am, it's at least another two-hour drive. I haven't seen him in a while, which means I haven't had the time to annoy him lately. I know just the buttons to press, Giada.

"So what? I loved Giada."

"Me too, we just didn't work out."

"Yeah sure. You gave up."

"You should know she broke up with me!"

"I don't care."

"Other topic please, it's still about a two-hour drive."

"Okay..." I take some time to think, then I grin. "Is it true Charlotte was Giada's best friend?"

"That's it." Charles stops the car at the side of the road, unlocks his seatbelt and looks at me straight in my eyes. "I love Charlotte, I've never been happier. I feel complete with her. With Giada I always felt like I had to be perfect, I don't have that with Charlotte. Yes, it was a bitch move of me to go with my ex's best friend, but I've never been so in love with someone as Charlotte. Outside the races she makes me feel alive. Got it? Now shut it."

"I'm sorry." I turn my head away from him, I've never seen him snap like that before. It made me feel so scared, it's insane. 

"It's fine, forget it. I can't change your mind and it's also fine."

"No, it's not." I shouldn't have been such a bitch to him. I see him, my best friend in the family, for just once in a while through the races, and this is how I act when he wants me to meet the love of his life? He starts the engine, puts his seatbelt on and drives again. I can feel he's sad and disappointed, but he'll never confess it, he doesn't want to hurt me. I clear my throat. "I didn't know, it's just that Giada was there for me when you were gone. She felt like a sister, now she's gone. It makes me sad. But I'm happy you're happy. I'll try to be nice."

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I knew you loved Giada, it sucks your life changed so fast."

"It's fine, I'm a Leclerc." I smile to him and wink. He looks swiftly and smiles before focussing on the road again. "I can adapt to any change, just like my big brother."

"That's my sister." He smiles again, the whole atmosphere in the car changes to light and lovely, making me relax again.

"And if you love her, she can't be too bad."

"Text Charlotte we're running what late, we deserve ice cream." He makes a turn and I take his phone out. "The code's 010919."

"The date of your first win..."

"So you do invest time in my career."

"How could I not, I love racing just as much."

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