(MV) - So he won't mind if I'd kiss you tonight?

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I've always orbited him, the same way the moon circles around the earth: close but never touching. Today, something changed. The earth's pulling me in, I don't know how long I'm able to fight it. I have to fight it because if we collide, it will destroy everything. Everything I build up from ashes, gone.


I'm racing. I'm winning. My thoughts go to him, I struggle with the steering wheel and I'm back to focus. I drive over the finish line and a permanent smile stains my face. 

"That's how you do it! An amazing win today, grandiose drive."

"Thank you; you're the man. A big thank you to the team, without you guys I wouldn't be here right now. Thank you so much, let's all celebrate tonight!" I drive my way back into the pitlane and step out of my car. I throw my fist in the air and run to my team. I feel them patting on my helmet and I feel slight happy-tears escaping my eyes. I pull back and want to wipe away my tears but my helmet's in the way, so I take it off.

"What a drive, Y/n Y/l/n, the woman who made it happen." I put everything in my helmet as I listen to Button. "How does it feel? Winning your maiden win in your home town." 

"It's insane, it was a difficult drive, Max made sure to make it the hardest race in my life." I see him walking towards me, we 'bro-hug' and it turns into a full-blown hug, making my heart stop beating. I pull away and say to Button: "Anyhow, this was the best race in my life. I hope there are going to be many more."

"You've got quite the fan base now, that was different last year. How is it?"

"My fans are the most loving and nice people I can imagine. Last year I was flooded with hate comments whenever I posted anything." I say when I feel two hands on my shoulders, I turn my head and see that the hands belong to  Max. My heart's beating out of my chest and I try to continue: "But now, all I can see is love."

"Must be amazing. Max, how was your side of the race?" I walk away, missing his hands right away.

"Y/n totally deserved this win. Man, look at her, she fought for this."


"So, for my win, I want to invite all of you to my favourite bar downtown. You don't have to go, but I'll be really happy if I see you there."


"I'm so happy the world sees me less as a pity driver, or just because I'm hot and more as a talented driver."

"I get it, now for sure. You won!" Lando exclaims and he hugs my tight.

"I'm going to go, I'm tired."

"It's just 2 am! Goodnight my love." I give him a playful push as I whisper 'asshole' to him, making him laugh. I climb on the barstool, maybe not the best thing when I'm drunk but okay.

"I just want to say, I'm so happy I saw you all here. Good f*cking night!" I scream over the music and everyone raises their drinks. I jump off the barstool and hug some people goodbye. I run to Lando and fly into his arms, I feel him kiss my cheek before I walk away, to my hotel. It's just across the street so I can go without security. I walk through the hallway, searching for my keycard.

"I never had a fair fight, did I?" I hear from behind me. I recognise the voice right away, Max.

"What do you mean?" I try to say calmly but I fail miserably. My heart beats out of my chest and it feels like I'm meeting him for the first time.

"You and Lando, are you a thing?"

"A thing? No." I scoff out, uncrossing my arms.

"For sure?"


"So he won't mind if I'd kiss you tonight?" He keeps moving closer to me, our noses almost touch.

"It's the question if I'd mind."

"Do you?"



Our lips connect.

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