(CL) - Write a letter, now.

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"The news shocked the world; the mother of the popstar Charles Leclerc died of cancer this evening. She-" Why did I have to hear this through the news? I take my phone and call Charles, my best friend. It goes straight to voicemail.

"Charles, please call me back? I'm booking a flight right now." He never called. In my flight I search the hospitals of Monaco, she's all over the news. She's still in the princess grace hospital, she was going to shower when she collapsed, nothing helped.

I know Charles, I'll try her house first.


I knock on Pascale's door, not long after Charles opens it, still wiping some tears away. He can't stop the tears from falling, like the waves crash onto land behind me. He smiles to m once he really notices me.

"I came as soon as I hear the news."

"Thank you, you didn't have to, I'm strong."

"I'm grieving too you know..."

"Come in." He says, looking down to my feet. Shall he notice I wear new shoes?

I walk into her home, it's colder now she's gone. It's a sunny and warm day in Monaco, but this home isn't. It was a roaring place, somewhere nothing ever stood still, somewhere you felt home right away. I look around, it's not the same. The pictures on the wall, of her children, her husband, me and Charles together, her, they seem lifeless. The pictures are really just memories now, nothing can be relived, nothing. I can see Charles slept on her deep yellow couch, there's a blanket over it and she never had a blanket on her sofa's; 'Blankets are for coldies.' I feel two arms wrap around my shoulders, his body pressing against my back. He feels absent, like his soul left his body. I take his hands in mine and they're even colder than mine, only adding to the cold and kill atmosphere. 

"Thank you for being here."

"Always, I just wish you would've called me."

"I wanted to, but Charlotte kept calling me. I really didn't want her empathy now."

"She's your girlfriend." He just nods to my last words. I lead him to the couch and we sit down. He leans back and I rest my head on his chest. "Did you hear my voicemail?"

"No." He sighs, stroking my hair. "I haven't turned on my phone. Did you leave a kind message?"

"No. I was mad at you, I didn't know what I'd say if you picked up."

"You would've cried and I would've felt bad, hence the reason why I didn't call."

"Somehow I didn't cry, yet." I think I'm just numb, Pascale felt so much more as a mom than my own mum. His gentle touch cools me down without me knowing I fall asleep.


"I wanted to tell her so much more," I say when I slowly wake up from my nap. I sit up some more and caress his chest. His aftershave's sharp but nice in my nose. His hand's still stroking my hair, making me smile.

"Me too." He whispers, pulling me closer again.

"Maybe we should write her a letter?"

"What? And then sent it?" He says mockingly. 

"I read that the waters are linked into the ones of heaven once."

"You read too much."

"We could try it."

"We could."

"We should use her special paper."

"She'd love that." I stand up and walk to her 'study room', to take the papers and envelopes she always used to write us letters. "You found them!"

We sit down at the dining table and we both start writing. The memories start to spill down, we laugh and cry together.

"Remember when she told me I had to date you?"

"Oh my, and when I started dating Arthur instead? She was like; 'I think you and Charles better, but I respect.'"

"She was still so bad in English, just like me. She improved a lot when you came in our life, just like me."

"Me too though." We start writing again, when I'm done I wait for Charles to finish.

"How did you end things with Arthur anyway?" He speaks up after a while, still writing on his letter.

"We just weren't cut out for each other, it was awkward at first but we talked it out because we both wanted to stay in this family actually."

"I'm happy you all did. I'm sorry I kept myself out of it." He takes another paper to write on and keeps writing.

"It's fine, I think it's better you did."

"Probably. Okay, I think I'm done."

"Let's put them in an envelope and write her name one it." I hand him an envelope and after we walk to the beach. At a place you can get your small boat in, we sit down on the ramp. "Ready?"

"Will you go first?" I nod to him and kiss the letter. I put it in the water and give it a little push. It drifts off into the deep waters of Monaco. I feel like I'm 200 kilo's lighter, as if an elephant stepped off of my shoulders. He smiles at me when I walk back to him and sit down next to him again.

"Take your time," I say to him. I rub his back until he takes a deep breath and stands up. I hear a small; 'I love you mom' before he lets his letter go in the ocean. He turns back around to me, I notice a tear falling down his face. I walk up to him and take him in my arms. "Let's go home, sweetie."

"Yes Please." We walk back and I unlock the front door, Charles almost falls in the home. "I never told Charlotte where my mum lived."

"Lives. Just because her body isn't here doesn't mean she's not here. Where's your phone?"

"Somewhere in my bag or jacket." I take his backpack, find his phone and turn it on. Millions of calls and texts of Charlotte run in his lock screen. I type in his code and go to their chat and write; 'Hi Charlotte, it's me Y/n. I'm with Charles now, he's fed up by the loss of his mom and didn't want any visitors. Don't worry I'll try and talk to him to call you or let you stop by. I'm texting you to tell you he's in good hands. We both know Charles very well and he needs his space to grief.' I send it, anxious because I know how jealous Charlotte can get of our relationship. Giada acted the same, so no hard feelings to her. I feel his phone vibrate and look at the screen. 'Oh thank God, I was so terrified. Thank you for caring for him now, let me know when things change.' "What are you doing?"

"Texting Charlotte you're okay."

"You didn't say where I'm staying right?" He asks and gesturing for me to come over to him. I walk to him on the couch, he takes my hands and pulls me on him.


"Great, I want some alone time with you."

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote, comment and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

Formula 1 One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora