Chapter 1

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"Hahahahaha! That's a good one, Penguin," Shachi laughed.

You were in the rec room with your friends, a.k.a. your crewmates, telling jokes and relaxing. It had been a year and a half since that crazy day when you ran away from your hometown and joined a completely stranger's crew. Becoming a pirate wasn't in your plans, but it was the best choice you could have made. You had a family now. A true family. And a true home. You were really happy there.

Your parents had died when you were 13 years old, and your neighbor had 'adopted' you since you had no family left. You were grateful at first. If it wasn't for her, you would have died alone in the streets, with nowhere to go and nobody to take care of you. But that gratitude faded as soon as she started making you do all the chores and work for her, only to receive insults and even hits in exchange, doesn't matter if you made a mistake or did it well. She even forced you to leave school so you would have more time to work. But that day, you decided it was better to die out there trying to get a proper life, rather than staying with that woman, living a fake one.

You were lucky you had found Law, although you didn't seem to get along with him. You didn't have problems with the rest of the crew, but with him... It's just... He was so cold... You knew he was a good guy and you respected him as your captain and also admired him. But why was he always so cold and grumpy? And to top it off, sometimes you caught him staring at you with that strange look in his eyes. It made you uncomfortable. It was weird. He was weird.

Despite all of this, you couldn't deny you were fond of him, as you were of the rest of the crew. You didn't get to understand him, but you cared about him. He was your friend too, apart from your captain.

Since you weren't sure how to behave around him, you had found out you liked to bug him from time to time, just to try to get some type of reaction from him and maybe get to know him better. You just wished you could see through his mask. There had to be more of him aside from that serious, cold and even scary demeanor he permanently showed, and you wanted to know about it. Plus, it was funny when you managed to change that straight face of his, even if just for a second.

"My turn, my turn!" you demanded cheerfully. It was your turn to tell a joke.

Everyone went silent and fixed their gazes on you.

"Okay, here I go." You cleared your throat before starting. "All right. What's the result of mixing Captain and Bepo into a single being?"

Everyone stared at you expectantly.

"A panda! Hahahahahaha! A panda!" You finished your joke laughing heartily.

But nobody joined you laughs, all of them suddenly tense and serious.

"Come on, guys. It's not that bad. Captain always wears spotted clothes. And since he has those huge dark circles... It's perfect! Hahahaha!"

"Do you find my insomnia funny, (Y/N)-ya?" a dark, smooth voice you knew very well questioned behind you.

You turned on your chair to look at his unamused face.

"Not your insomnia. Just those raccoon eyes you have. Your insomnia worries me," you frankly answered, not concerned by a bit about his dark aura.

"I doubt you found a stupid joke like that funny if you were truly worried about me," he continued, towering over you. "If you have time to make up jokes and make fun of your captain, maybe I should think of something to keep you busy and remind you what respect means."

"Think of something? What a poor creativity. This is what I always end up doing," you thought with skepticism as you tried to balance yourself with a mop and a single leg.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now