Chapter 24

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Law's POV

I took a look at (Y/N)-ya from the corner of my eye as we went to the forest. She hadn't spoken a single word on our way there, and I was starting to worry. I knew this would be hard for her, and I had expected her to feel down at this point, but not this much. It made me upset as well. This made me feel as if it was my fault for not being enough for her, which was absolutely ridiculous because she was feeling down for having to bid farewell to me. I promised her I would make it up to her, and I was determined to do anything to fulfill that promise.

We finally arrived to the forest clearing, where Penguin-ya, Shachi-ya and Bepo were already waiting. I had instructed them to be here just in case.

I raised a brow questioningly when I saw an unexpected guest; Adriano-ya was with them as well.

"Hey! You're here!" he greeted approaching us. "Sorry for not asking before but this is kind of an 'at the last moment' decision. I would like to be here to witness the whole process, so... I would really appreciate if you let me stay," he said with nervousness.

"I don't see the problem. You could be of help if we had any question. You can stay. Just don't get in the way," I accepted.

"Thank you! Thank you! Don't worry, I won't cause any problem," he thanked me excitedly. "By the way, where's the girl?"

I turned around looking for (Y/N)-ya to realize she was gone. She had left with the kid.

My heart accelerated in worry and anxiousness. Where the hell had she gone in a moment like this, without even telling me? When had she disappeared exactly? I was sure she was with me when I entered the forest. "Where the fuck is she?" I hissed. "(Y/N)-ya!" I called her a couple of times without luck. "I'll go look for her," I decided turning to leave and looking up at the sky, covered by a thick, glowing cloud.

"We'll help, Captain," Penguin stated.

I nodded and left the clearing, entering the forest as they went to search in different directions.

The grass and leaves rustled under my feet as I took long, fast steps, scrutinizing my surroundings. I stopped suddenly upon hearing soft sobs near my location. I listened closely and walked trying to find their source.

Not even a minute had passed when I found (Y/N)-ya, sitting on the ground and crying as she tightly held my younger self. A stabbing pain pricked my chest at the sorrowful sight. "(Y/N)-ya," I softly called her as I neared her.

She raised her head startled.

I sat next to her, a worried frown forming on my forehead as I noticed she avoided to look at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, keeping my voice low.

She shook her head, remaining silent as she cried. I didn't know why she looked so pained, and I hated it. I wanted to know what was wrong and fix it for her. I wanted to see her smile. "I can't. I can't do this," she whimpered, my heart clenching at the desperation and anguish in her voice.

"What? What can't you do?" I gently questioned, delicately moving her hair away from her face.

"I can't," she repeated, her crying becoming more frantic. "I can't let him go back to the past. I'm sorry."

I froze at her words.

She couldn't let my younger self go back to the past?

She couldn't let him go but she could let me disappear? Why? Was it because I was different from him? Was it because she still saw me as cold and heartless? That despicable had I become for her to be crying over it? I thought she loved me and accepted me as I was. I truly had believed that. Was I wrong?

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora