Chapter 10

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"No one on the left. No one on the right. The path is clear." You hurried through the hallway making sure a certain person didn't appeared. And this certain person was no other than your captain.

Since that day, you had been trying to avoid him as much as you could, and when it wasn't possible, you fixed your eyes on your shoes, unable to look him in the eye. You also had difficulties with the little kid, knowing everything you did under his sight would be sooner or later witnessed by your Captain. You tried to avoid him too at first, but you realized it made him sad and gave in, trying to behave as if nothing had happened. Maybe in the future he was going to be a damn pervert, but he was an innocent child now, you couldn't permit he paid the piper. Plus, it was extremely difficult to get rid of him. He followed you everywhere, even when you needed to go to the bathroom (don't worry, you convinced him to stay outside). It was as if you had a cat clinging to you, rather than a little child. But he was so sweet and adorable... who cared about your perverted captain? It was worth it.

You were so concentrated on reaching your destiny that you didn't see Law coming out, and bumped into him.

You heard a low chuckle before realizing who had you bumped into. "Why the hurry, (Y/N)-ya?"

You raised your eyes to his and blushed. Every time he looked at you, you felt nude and defenseless. You did as if you didn't hear him and tried getting into the rec room, but he followed you inside and stopped you grabbing your arm.

"Wait, I wanted to talk with you."

"I have nothing to talk with you," you whispered trying not to catch your crewmates' attention.

"I know you've been trying to avoid me. I just wanted-"

A burst of laughs interrupted his speech. Both of you turned to the laughing group. They were sited at the sofa, and apparently, chibi Law was the cause of their laugh.

"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" an outraged little Law protested with his high-pitched voice.

"Don't listen to them, Law," Penguin soothed him, although he was laughing as well. "Oh, look. (Y/N) is back. Why don't you tell her and Captain what you were telling us?"

The child smiled brightly when he saw you.

"Come on, tell them. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A doctor!" he exclaimed raising his arms in excitement.

"What kind of doctor?" Penguin asked.

"A surgeon!" the kid cheered. You smiled, thinking how cute it was that he wanted to be a surgeon since such an early age.

"And what else do you want to do when you grow up?" Penguin continued.

"I'll marry (Y/N)!" he happily stated.

Your face grew hotter and you knew you were blushing. You peeked at your captain from the corner of your eye and noticed he was slightly embarrassed as well.

"Yes, because you love her a lot, right?"

Chibi Law nodded energetically.

"How much do you love her?"

"This much!" he said spreading his arms 180 degrees. "And... and... And she'll be my wife, and we'll have thirty-nine children, and... and we will live together in a big house, and buy a polar bear pet, and..."

He kept rambling about his dreamed life with you, but you were starting to feel dizzy and couldn't hear the rest. Marry? Polar bear? Thirty-nine children?! My God, your captain needed to have everything planned even when he was just five.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now