Chapter 18

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(H/C) = Hair Color

You jumped and twirled, happily celebrating the stitches were finally gone.

"Careful, (Y/N)-ya. The wound is still sensitive," Law warned with an amused tone. "Here you are." He handed you your accustomed lollipop.

You smiled beamingly at him, taking it. "Thank you!" you cheered.

You went to the door but Law called you before you could go. "Go to the galley. I think the crew was planning to have a party," he informed you.

"A party?" you asked bewildered.

"Yeah. To celebrate your stitches are gone." He chuckled at the skeptic look in your face. "You know any excuse is good for them."

Your captain was right. Everyone was at the galley, waiting for you to start. Chibi Law was there as well.

It was a short, simple party, but you had fun. Law joined the party as well, although he just stayed in his chair, drinking coffee and smirking at his subordinates antiques.

You had been thinking a lot about what happened between you, and you were determined to talk about it with him. You just didn't know when that moment could be. You had no idea about what were you going to tell him either.

You discreetly stared at him, a smile forming on your lips without you noticing. "He's soooo handsome..." the voices started fawning over him. It seemed Law had the ability to awake those crazy voices in your mind, but at that time you were too busy contemplating him to care about them. "And so smart..." "It must feel so good, being held by those strong arms..." *sigh* "How could you give him the brush off in such a stupid way?" "It was involuntary!" "Most importantly. How could you reject his offer on getting undressed?" "Would you drop that subject already!?" "Never!" "Brush off? You still don't know why he kissed you." "Maybe he's sick." "Oh God. Do you think he's dying or something?" "That would explain the kiss." "I don't want him to die!" "He's not dying." "Then why would he kiss you?" "He must be crazy." "Uh... (Y/N)." "Yeah, he definitely got hit on the head and lost his mind." "I think he ate something that didn't sit well with him." "(Y/N)." "Why can't you accept that maybe he actually likes you?" "..." "Hahahahahahaha. Yeah, nice joke." "Keep dreaming, girl." "(Y/N)!" "What the hell do you want?!" "He's watching." "What?" Your eyes focused as your mind returned to Earth and you realized it was true; he was staring. "Oh my gosh. What if he can read your thoughts?" "He would have run away long ago..." "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! He's coming! HE'S COMING!!"

"(Y/N)-ya?" he called with a careful tone.

"Hey, L-Law," you stuttered nervously.

"Everything okay?"

You nodded, doing your best to keep a poker face.

"Is there... something you would like to tell me?" he added hesitantly, a spark of expectation flashing momentarily in his eyes.

You noted that spark every time you talked to him, as if expecting you to say something in particular.

"I love you!" a voice fangirled in your head.

"Uh... No, no. Why?" you replied, not convincingly at all.

"You've been staring for quite a long time, you know? What's going on through that mind of yours?" he wondered, raising a brow in amusement.

"I love you!!!" the voice repeated "Take me now! Right here!"

"Shut the fuck up," you angrily muttered, annoyed by the insistent voice.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now