Chapter 8

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(F/F) = Favorite Food

"Gotcha!" you exclaimed placing your arms around little Law from behind and rising him up as he let out an overexcited yell.

You were playing tag at the deck, making the most of the fact that Law had decided to surface for a while. It was a nice, sunny day, so it was perfect for staying out.

You placed him back on the floor and started to tickle him, causing him to let out hysterical laughs and some more yells as he threw himself to the floor and curled up trying to avoid your tickles. You couldn't help a fit of laugh when your heard his pure, happy laughs. Both of you ended lying down on the floor on your sides, facing each other as you tried to catch your breaths.

"I'm so thirsty. How about going to the galley to have some juice?" you suggested.

"Yay! Juice!" he cheered.

You were sweating from all the running, so you decided to take a bath after the juice. You thought about taking chibi Law with you; his original clothes were clean and he needed to bath too.

"Hey, Law, want to take a bath with me?" you asked him happily.

"Yay! Bath!" he repeated, making you laugh.

"Yay!" you cheered too.

You went to Law's room to take the child's clothes.

"I'm using your bath," you let your captain know.

He just hummed from his regular spot behind his desk.

When the bath was ready, you helped little Law to undress and get in the bathtub before undressing yourself and joining him. You had poured some shower gel in it, so a foam covered the surface of the water. You played with the foam for a while, shaping it into silly beards and hairstyles.

"Let's sing!" the kid cheered when you started shampooing him.

"Good idea. What song do you want to sing?" you asked, gently cleaning his hair.

"A new one!" he exclaimed clapping his hands.

You tried to remember a song you still hadn't sang to him.

"All right," you said when you finally found one.

And so you started singing a children's song. It was in Spanish, so he wouldn't understand the lyrics, but it had a very happy rhythm you knew he would enjoy. You didn't thought he would like the song if he understood its meaning, though.

*Quiero pan, quiero pan, quiero pan
Pan alemán, alemán, alemán;
O pan de anís, pan de anís, pan de anís
Quiero uno más... ¡Más! ¡Más!

Está sabroso por demás
Y esponjoso por demás
Si soy manteca me derrito rapidito
Así... ¡Así!

Quiero pan, quiero pan, quiero pan
Pan alemán, alemán, alemán;
O pan de anís, pan de anís, pan de anís
Quiero uno más... ¡Más! ¡Más!


He loved the song. He made you sing it a thousand times until he knew it by heart, and then, he asked you to sing it a thousand times more, singing with you. So you repeated the song during the rest of the bath, as you dried him, as you dressed him... You sang it so many times it started to lose its sense to you, but you loved to see him so happy.

With one thing and another, it was lunch time before you knew it. You were eating in your usual spot next to your captain and on your other side seated his short edition.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now