Chapter 7

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(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Color
(S/C) = Skin Color

The rest of the day came about quite peacefully. Chibi Law took a short nap on your lap while you read a book on the sofa, in the rec room. The rest of the time he played with you or other crewmates, always staying close to you.

It was night already. You had dinner a while ago and little Law was starting to fall asleep, so you decided it was time to put him to bed.

You grinned mischievously when you remembered it was also show time.

You took his hand and headed to your captain's quarters with him. You knocked on the door and entered the room after hearing his permission. "I'm bringing the little one to go to bed," you told Law, who was working sited behind his desk.

He hummed signaling he had heard you but didn't answered, so you went to the bed, pushed the blankets aside and took off the child's hat and shoes before he climbed into the bed.

"Why are we sleeping here today?" he asked innocently.

"Uh... this bed is bigger," you said, avoiding to tell him he would sleep here alone with your captain. You then proceeded to diaper him. Once you were done, you covered him with the blankets making sure he wouldn't get cold.

"Kiss, kiss," he called extending his arms to you.

You leaned to him to receive one of his sweet pecks on your cheek, and gave him another one on his forehead. "Good night, sweetie," you said before straightening and turning to leave.

"Where are you going, (Y/N)-ya?" you heard your captain calling you.

"To my room," you answered as if it was obvious, not liking the way his question had sounded.

"You sleep here from now on," he stated.

Your brows furrowed in annoyance. "What do you mean?" you questioned bewildered.

"What you just heard. It's the only way he will stay here without throwing a tantrum." He didn't even raise his eyes from the papers he was writing to look at you.

He had planned this from the beginning, didn't he? "I'm not going to sleep with you!" You blushed realizing how wrong that sentence had sounded. You didn't miss how the corners of your captain's lips tugged into a smirk either.

You were about to yell at him to erase that damn smirk when you felt a pair of little arms circling your legs. You looked down and saw chibi Law observing you with teary eyes. "Don't go!" he pleaded.

It broke your heart to see him like that. But you couldn't share the bed with your captain! "I can't sleep here, honey. I have to sleep in my room," you explained.

He tightened his hold on you."I want to go with you," he whined with a pout.

"You have to sleep here."

He started sobbing, tears leaving his eyes.

"Honey, it will be just for the night. We'll be together during the day," you said, starting to feel guilty. Law had obviously planned to let you take the heat from the beginning. That asshole... you wanted your show!

"You don't want to be with me?" He pouted, melting your heart.

"It's not that. Of course I want to be with you." You felt awful. He looked so sad...

"It's because I wet the bed?" he muttered ashamed.

You knelt and held him close. He returned your hug with all the strength his little arms could afford, sobbing in your ear. "No, of course not. It's not that. It's just..." You paused, not knowing what to say to explain the situation so he could understand.

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