6. Cara

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"We kissed", Alex says from her bed as I'm about to put on my clothes after I got out the shower. "Twice."

"You what?!"

"Please don't be mad at me..." I jump on her bed while buttoning my pajama. I move the blanket over me and look right at her face. "Cara..."

"Did you fuck her?" from the sound of my voice that leave my throat, I am eager to know. I am half shocked. Half disappointed knowing she just made out with my closest friend.

'Well..." she stutters. "S-she kissed me first. And then I kissed her before we left. And no, we did not f-fuck. We just talked in her office."

I let out a long relieved. Happy to know that Alex did not mess my friend up. "If you did, I really need to smack you in the face, Maybelline." I pull the covers over to my chest and lay my head next to hers. "So, what is she like? Do you like her?"

"Yes, babe. I think I like her" she simply says. She pulls me closer to her chest and I wrap my arm around her abs. "Mm... you smell good." She sniffs my hair and give a kiss on my forehead. "Do you mind if I ask?" I nod. "Where is Finn exactly?"

There comes the topic that I've been praying for Alex not to ask. No matter the case now, I need to answer this time. "He disappeared, unfortunately, Alex." Finally the words came out from my lips. "I dumped him and I don't know where he is now."

"What...?" she quietly says. She turns her body to the side that her face is now facing me. "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am. I just happen to notice that he's not in love with me anymore. He's a douchebag that his coward-ness didn't try to break me." Alex looks deep into my eyes. Though the room is all dark, I can still see them shine at me. "I just don't wanna tell you sooner because I don't want you to worry. I swear I'm fine."

Surprisingly, Alex laughs. "It's good that he left though. He checked me out in the bathroom few months ago when you were in the kitchen."

I laugh louder in disgust.

"I know, Alex." I say in between. "I noticed it earlier than you did. That's why I don't feel that bad sleeping with you all this time."

Alex huffs. "You could have told me earlier, Cara. Because we could play him together, you know." I let out a little laugh together with hers as she tells me her plan on ruining the boy's life which it will never happen. Just about her imaginations.

"Nah. I was the one who dumped him. He is so stupid that it hurts my brain." I turn away from her, having my back on her so she could wrap her arms around my waist and pull me closer.

"Hey", she says. She tilts her head over mine and gently kiss my lips. "You really smell so good, baby."

"Shut up", I tease. "Don't snore or I'm gonna suffocate you with those pillows of yours."

"Geez. I'm risking my life sleeping with a murderer."

"I want you to know about something, Alex." I say before we both drift to the dreamland.

"What is that, princess?"

"Though Drew is my friend, I can sense something is off about her."

"What makes you think that?"

I remain silent for a few seconds. "I don't know. I just feel that way and I want you to be careful."

Alex doesn't say a thing after that. She holds my hand tight and greets me a good night. I don't think much about it after because I am exhausted enough so I close my eyes.

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