12. Cara

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"Damn baby, it was hell fun doing that with you. I can't ask for anyone. Really." Alex grabs my hand while we're walking down the street. We have just finished another photoshoot sessions with Mulberry and here we are, holding hands in the public. "You wanna go get lunch?"

I just nod at her. The guard opens the door as we reach the car. "Alright. Sushi's okay?"

"Very." I smile at her.

"But, I need to go to Boot Star before we eat. I got to get myself new collections." Alex says. She taps the small window in front of us that separate us from the driver and Alex tells him where to go.

"Don't you have enough boots, already?" I tease. "You have like, hundreds of it." Alex giggles. Her eyebrow raises as she looks at me. "What? You have triple amount of boots in that store. No fucking kidding."

When we reached the store, the guard is opening the door and making our way straight to the store. Alex and I don't take off our shades as few people there are staring at us. "You know, I just miss the smell of it, Cara." She sniffs.

I let out a scoffs when I see her moves her nose, sniffing the air. "You're so weird, you know that? I don't even know how this store smell like."

Alex grabs my wrists and leads me through the collections on the right side. She takes off her shades and I follow. I watch her looking at them boots, her eyes balling for something specific. The shop assistant is standing few feet away from us after he served another customers on the other side, smiling at us. I smile back at him, politely.

"Oh my god. Please tell me you're Alexandra Blackwood," a female voice says. Alex turns her head to the two girls who are standing close to the shop assistant. I take a step forward to see their faces. God damn it, much to my surprise to see one of them. Brianna Mars.

I don't recognize the one who is standing next to Brianna. She's tall and slim with blonde long, straight hair. Her eyes are quiet shiny, those light grey color that Alex wished for her eyes color. Alex stands still. She tilts her head to the side that I know she must be thinking when she looks at the girl. "No fucking shit. Maeve?! Maeve Renshaw?!." Alex gasps.

Maeve and Alex share a very long hug after they scream in excitement to each other that makes me and Brianna awkward. Damn. It has been so fucking long I haven't seen this chick. I must admit she's prettier than the last time I dated her. She's wearing a nice dark, blue jacket and white shirt underneath with long black jeans and pair of black boots that they're type of Alex loves to wear. She blinks multiple time and looking away from me, making me harder to see her pretty eyes.

"Oh my god, Lexy! For so many years," Maeve says. She calls Alex Lexy. "In all places, I never thought I would finally see you here!"

"Cara," Alex calls me. "This is Maeve. She's my childhood crush." She laughs playfully.

I throw my hand out, shaking it with Maeve's and exchange our greetings to each other.

"And this is my cousin, Brianna" Maeve says, holding Brianna's arm. "You must know her. She goes to the same place with you too."

"Yeah, surely I know her." I say awkwardly. "We used to date few years ago."

"Shit," I hear Alex whispers silently. "Hi, Brianna. Been so long we haven't seen you." Brianna just nods at her without saying a word. Fuck it gets more awkward than before. "Um, Maeve. I think we're gonna go now. My dad just called." Alex lies out of nowhere after she looked at her phone. She fucking lies.

"Bummer!" Maeve says in disappointment. "I thought we could go get some lunch together, Lex." Her face changes. She doesn't look as happy as she was before. "Alright, what about dinner tonight? We should catch up. I mean, it has been so many years, right? We can go get sushi. I still remember how you love sushi back then when we were kids, Lexy."

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