16. Cara

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"Who the fuck gave you this?" I trace my finger down on those long purple mark she has on her neck. "This is fucking long. Was she trying to suck your blood?"

Alex giggles while she grabs my hand away from her neck. "Don't mention it. I didn't know it was there until this morning."

"Well, too late. I've mentioned it. Was it someone new you met at the bar?" I ask her another question. "I won't stop asking because that hickey is very disturbing."

Alex scoffs, raising her hands. "Fine. You know Sarah? The woman who has this Angelina Jolie figure? She has kids?"

My jaw drops as soon as she mentions the Angelina Jolie figure because there is only one who has it here and that's what made her a bit famous. "Mrs. Sarah Walker? The fucking director of our Human Resources?"

Alex nods with her eyes close. "Um, I didn't know what she does but all I know she has kids."

"So you're sleeping with a hot mom now?" I ask in disbelief. "Fuck, Alex! What are you thinking? She has her fucking husband here!"

"Like I said, baby. All I know was she has kids. I didn't know she's still sleeping with her husband." Alex laughs nonchalantly. "For a matter of fact, she was the one who came to me. How could I resist if I found her so fucking hot?"

"Ugh," I huff. "You're so unbelievable, you know that." I walk myself to her bed, making myself comfortable. "Anyway, Astrid kissed you. What was that about?"

Alex doesn't answer me. She's still standing there near the window probably thinking what just happened. "That's what I'm thinking. I don't even fucking know either."

"How do you feel about it? Maeve was clearly there..."

"That's the thing." She quickly says. "It was fucking awkward." I remain silent as my mind is taken back to the scene. "Did you know anything about their relationship? Astrid and Maeve?"

"What do you mean?" I raise my eyebrow.

Alex hops on to the bed after she takes off the robe, leaving her only in loose tank top and a thong. "You know... anything about it. Brianna doesn't mention anything about how they've been doing? Because I don't think Maeve and Astrid is in a good ship right now."

"Mm." I look at her face and my eyes falls on her hickey. "She did mention about it a little. She said Astrid is a fucking cheater and Maeve is just still being stupid."

"Uh, and?"

"She was irritated when she said it though so we didn't get further. What do you care anyway?" I pretend being blunt. I just need to ask for admission.

Alex lets out a short sigh. She pulls the covers up to her chest. "Because I care, Cara. I like Maeve."

I nod in satisfaction. "If you like her then why don't you make a move? You know... make her yours."

"Are you insane?" Alex gives a funny look. "I'm not even sure if Maeve likes me too. So why bother?"

"Or in other words, you're just scared of Astrid?" I smirk.

"What? No! Why would I be scared? I don't even fucking care what she said." She rolls her eyes. "You know I don't roll that way. I only go for someone who is interested in me."

"Um, technically everyone is interested in you, asshole. Don't make excuses. Come on, what is it?" I roll on to her side that my face is just inches away from hers. "You think Maeve isn't interested in you?"

"Mm. You can say that," she mutters. "And I don't know why I have this feeling of respect? I mean, I respect her relationship that I don't wanna get involved in that."

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