14. Cara

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"Hey, Miss Vega." The doorman greets me as soon as I enter the lobby. "How was work?"

"Hey Murph." I throw my doorman a smile. "It was exhausting. How was your day?"

"Good," he says. "There are some people who wish to see you, Miss. They just got here ten minutes ago."

I raise my eyebrows. That's weird. Who else wish to see me during the night? "Okay. Thanks Murphy." I walk towards the sitting room where I met Damon last time. Please don't be Drew. Please don't fucking be Drew. I know I promised Drew to let her see Alex after we got back from LA but I really hope this isn't her. Unfortunately we went back earlier than we expected and I haven't told Drew that we're here. If this is her then I guess rumors really spread so fucking fast. I mean, we just got here yesterday.

When I am about to reach the room, I see three girls sitting on the sofa, playing with their phones. Shit. Much to my surprise to see clearly that familiar face from my view. "Brianna? Really?"

The three girls immediately look up at me. Brianna stands up and she walks towards me, along with Astrid and Maeve. Their hands are clamped together. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hi, Cara." Brianna speaks softly. Her face isn't as annoying as I last saw them. This time it is nicer, good to see if I describe it right. "Sorry for bothering but-"

"It was me," Astrid cuts her off. "I just wanna see some familiar faces before we move in."

Move in. This isn't good knowing Maeve is here too. "Um, why didn't you come up? Alex isn't home yet?" I ask them.

"The doorman didn't think she's home because she didn't reply when he called through the intercom," Brianna explains.

"Oh," I nod. "Come on up then." Knowing they're gonna give me a long conversations for catch up, I decide to bring them up to my loft.

When we're inside the elevator and about to reach the floor, I hear the blaring music coming from my floor. "Mm. No wonder she couldn't reply the doorman. The music is too loud."

I step outside from the elevator, walking straight to the stereo and switch it off. I see Alex is in the kitchen, probably cooking. "Hey!" I shout at her. "We've got companies."

"You don't need to shout after you turned off my jam, you know." She replies. She's cutting the vegetables on the counter without looking back at me. "Your friends?"

"Stop the cutting," I say. "See it yourself." I take off my coat and put my bags on the couch. I lead the three girls to the kitchen where Alex is still standing. She doesn't stop what she does and humming a song. "Hey," I say again. Maeve's here."

Alex freezes.

"Hi, Lexy." Maeve says in her soft voice. Followed by Astrid and Brianna.

"Oh," Alex speaks awkwardly. "Didn't expect it was you three. What brings you guys here?"

"Astrid wanna see around so ... we ended up at your place." Brianna says. I motion them three to the dining table to sit.

"And I didn't expect to see Maeve here, though." Alex smiles with her eyebrows pinched.

"You need help with that?" I ask my best friend when I realize she's cutting a lot of vegetables. "And what the fuck are you cooking anyway? This seems a lot." Alex turns her head on me and laughs.

"You guys hungry?" she says. The three girls look at each other and nods. Alex then stirs the pan behind her. "I'm making roasted chicken with rosemary, chicken and mushroom soup and a baked fettucine Alfredo."

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