19. Maeve

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"I still can't believe you talked to my boss about this." Lexy picked me up at my office three hours ago and now we're walking up the hill. Barefoot because I took off my heels. "Did you seduce him or something he let me go just like that?"

I hear Lexy laughs in front of me.

I've been asking her the same exact question for three hours long, place after a place she has taken me. From a fancy restaurant to an abandoned weird cave that looks really creepy, to the small deep lake look-a-like pond that actually has sharks swimming in it (Lexy said it is the sea water), to the flower garden horse-riding located near the beach (this is a dating place) and now, we're up in the hill.

"And why are you even taking me here? I thought you were gonna take me around places." I whine.

"Um, technically this is one of those places I'm gonna show you," she smirks, looking behind her shoulders.

I stop at my track, panting. "Well this isn't something I expected." I just watch her walking backwards, looking at me with another tease on her face. "And why do we have to walk? Why can't we just take your bike up here?"

"Jeez, Maeve." I take her hand when she offers it. "Because walking is lot more fun than just riding. Come on, we're almost there."

I let out a long, tired sigh. "We've done a lot of walking, you know."

Lexy takes my heels from my grip. Just a few steps more we're on top of the hill, I wish. She leads me to a tree where I rest my hand on it. "Come, sit here with me." I just watch her sit her ass on the flat surface.

"I hope it's not anything much weirder or creepier than before you're showing me." I sigh.

Unfortunately, I gasps as soon as I get myself seated next to her, feeling astonished with the view she has just let me see.

I can see the whole planet with tall buildings on the left side and the ocean is just huge. I can even see the airport on my right side. There are few aircrafts parked in the hangar. I didn't know the airport is actually separated by the ocean.

I walk closer to the edge just to see the color of the water. It is green then blue till the end. The sun is setting that I kinda understand why she took me here. To see the sunset?

"You can jump if you want." Lexy says after I noticed I've been standing there admiring for minutes.

"What?" I turn around with a confused look.

She gets up and walks towards me. I see her eyes are fixed on the ocean.

There are dolphins jumping out of the water towards the sunset.

"Aren't there sharks?" I ask stupidly. "When you said if I wanted to jump."

Lexy looks at me, laughing. "There are. A lot." She looks back to the water again. "But they're not as friendly as the ones we fed at the blue lake."

I make a face. "Then why did you tell me to jump?"

"Because you seemed like you want to jump." She shrugs with a devilish laugh. I slap her arm immediately as I bite my lower lip. "Let's go. There's a last place I wanna show you."

She leads my hand and a smile appears on my face when I see my heels are still on her other hand. "It's not that far, don't worry." She adds and I try to hide back the smile I just had.

We walk through the hill for about fifteen minutes until we reach a cliff. A cliff.

"You know I was wishing that this is the way home." I joke.

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