Chapter 1

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Clytia woke up with a massive headache. She was sore and was moaning, in pain. 

I'll never drink, ever again. She thought rolling under the cover, refusing to open her eyes while trying to catch more sleep. 

Her mouth was dry. She needed a glass of water. She tried to get up only to drag the cover over her head. Nope, not happening. It was so soft! Silk, she realized. How? Hers were cotton. She rolled on her back, finally realizing she was naked. "No, no, no, no. God no!" She opened her eyes to check. Damn she was naked, in an unknown room. She looked around the place. It looked luxurious. Marble everywhere, huge roof to floor windows, artsy paintings. The room featured an open-plan kitchen and a bar. She could see a sitting room and a dining room. Definitely not her room. She grabbed her clothes as fast as she could in her pitiful state and run out without even looking for her one night stand partner to reappear.

"I can't believe you had a one night stand Cly. This is so not you girl!" said Fiona her friend.

"I can't believe it either" replied Clytia. "The worst part is I don't have any memory of what happened or what the guy looked like."

"Damn, are you even sure it was a guy? It could have been a girl!" said Karen laughing.

"Argh! You guys sucked". Complained Clytia.

The three women were Childhood friends on vacation in Vegas. They all lived in different parts of the world, France for Karen, United Emirates for Fiona and Canada for Clytia. They hadn't been reunited for several years now. They had decided to spend some times together having fun. Her friends were a little crazy but she loved them. She had always been the mom of the group. But she didn't mind. It has always been this way. This was their last day in Vegas. 

The night before she was tired, thus when the others decided to go clubbing she stayed in their shared room. However, around midnight she got bored. She drunk the cocktail Karen had left for her for motivation. Then she went to the club. Unfortunately none of them picked up their phone. She went to the bar ordered a margarita. After that, things started to get blurred. 

She remembered dancing her life away; going to some guys' salon and flirted with one of them. She couldn't make up his face. After that nothing. The events of the night were inexistent. Was she drunk? How come she could get drunk with just two glass of alcohol? Did the barman spike her glass? That would totally make sense. She knew how to handle her drinks.

"Oh my God! The barman spiked my drink! Shit!" she exclaimed suddenly nervous of the implications.

"Cly you're overreacting!"

"No I'm not. How can you explain the fact that I got drunk after only the cocktail Karen left for me and the 01 drink I took there? I have to talk to the manager." Standing up as she finished.

"Wait no; it was me." Said Karen, a guilty look on her face.

"Karen what did you do?" asked Clytia glaring at her.

"I may or may not have spiked the cocktail I gave you." She whispered.

"What is wrong with you? Can you imagine what could have happened?" interrupted Fiona.

"I just wanted her to chill a little bit, have fun. She was supposed to be with us yesterday. I would have kept an eye on her. She said she would stay in. I didn't think she would have change her mind. I'm so sorry. But everything is fine. Please don't be mad at me." Explained Karen, her hands joined together in supplication.

"This is insane. I'm so done with you right now."

"Cly please. Nothing bad happened"

"Not thanks to you!"

"Fiona, help me there."

"Nope, I'm out."

"I'll do anything. I don't want you to stay mad at me."

Clytia couldn't remain angry with Karen. They were leaving within a few hours. At least she hooked up with a rich man and they used protection from what she saw in the trash bin when she left the suite. She just hoped the guy was hot.

Now, the most important thing was to do a checkup when she would get home. Better safe than sorry.

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