Chapter 36

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“It is crazy how easy it is to get use to someone presence, that when they’re not around, you feel like you’re missing a part of you.”

“Let me guess! You’re talking about that sexy husband of yours, aren’t you?” Karen asked laughing at her friend.

It had been few days since Nolam had left. Even though they talked every single day, she missed him. At night, she would wear one of his shirt to sleep.
During the day, she would go for his perfume, spraying it all over herself to keep him close. It was so cheesy and cliché that it made her laugh. But she couldn’t help it.

She smiled at her friend who was laying in her bath, the phone carefully place to hide her nakedness.
“Ridiculous, isn’t it?”

“No, you’re just in love. I never thought I would live long enough to see you like that. I’m really happy for you Cly.”

“I miss him so much!”

“Aww! When are you going to join him?”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Can’t wait?”

“Cool! I hope you have some sexy lingerie in your bag?”

Clytia laughed. Karen was an expert in undergarment. She had an impressive collective of underwear and night gowns. No granny panties. She said she liked to be and feel sexy even under conservative clothes.

“I took the purple and brown matching sets you offered me when we were in Vegas.” She replied before taking a spoon of her ice cream.

“Ooh!” her friend gasped. “Then, all I have to do now is to wish you guys to have fun.” She finished laughing.

Clytia’s phone started to buzz as they were still laughing.

“Oh, it’s Nolam.” She said as she checked the caller id. “Sorry, I have to take it. Talk to you later, okay?”

“Fine, hubby goes first. You lucky I like you.”

That night, Clytia fell asleep on the phone with her husband. Sometimes, he made her feel like a teenager. They talked all night long. Nolam was as excited as her to finally be reunited. Both refusing to hang up. When she finally fell asleep, he watched her, a satisfied smile on his lips.

The next day, Clytia landed at 1.35pm. She couldn’t wait to see him. He had send Daisy to pick her up at the airport. They went straight to his house, for her to settle down while waiting for him to come back from an interview.

“So Clytia, Nolam has an event tonight. He should be back in a few. We’ll have a team over in a few to help you get ready.”

Clytia raised an eyebrow and nodded while she was listening to Daisy talking.

She just got out of the shower and had a robe on. She was walking to the kitchen to grab something to drink when Daisy intercepted her. Not once did she raised her head from her phone while she was talking.

Clytia was used to Daisy and her apparent rudeness. She was just so focus on her job that she could appeared cold, but when she opened up, she was the sweetest.

As for the event, she didn’t took the time to buy a new dress. She was hoping she could convince Nolam to stay home.

“Hum! There is kind of a problem Daisy. I forgot to take a dress for tonight.” She replied as she opened the fridge and took a water bottle.

“Oh! Don’t worry about that. I have a selection of outfits prepared for you. It is already in the closed on a rag. I asked the glam team to make you a simple yet classy look.”

She finally raised her head from her phone and tilted her head slightly on the side while looking at Clytia from head to toe.

“I was thinking of rose gold color scheme for the makeup, with a slick chignon. You have a baby face, it will be nice to show it rather than hide it under your hair for your first outing. For the dress, we have few options, but I have a preference for the pastel one. It will look lovely on you.”

“Well, thank you! That’s really … Thoughtful.” She wasn’t expecting it.

Daisy definitely knew what she was doing. She had everything under control.

“That’s my job!”

At that moment, they heard footsteps coming their way. Clytia turned her head to meet two beautiful cerulean blue eyes and a happy smile.

He crashed her against his chest, before devouring her lips. It was almost like he had been roaming in a desert with her, and she was his fountain. He had missed her. Deeply. He kissed her like a thirsty man finally getting a glass of water.

Daisy’s fake cough was what brought them back to earth, breaking the kiss.

“Oh, Daisy. Thank you for bringing back my wife.” Said Nolam as he finally acknowledge her presence, making Clytia giggling in his arms.

“I should probably give you guys some space, before you turn the place into a porn cinema.” She replied while leaving the room.

They both laughed.
“Missed you honey.” Said Nolam.
“You too bae.”

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