Chapter 9

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"The kids seemed to have fallen for her charms!"

Nolam turned to look at his sister, Demi. She was the youngest. She was married to a math professor and had 3 awesome kids: 2 boys and a little girl. They all loved to tease her on the similarity with themselves. From the moment the kids had been introduced to Clytia when they arrived this morning, they literally kidnap her to play with them. They were happy to eat the pastries she had with her, show her their toys, talk with her and have fun with her. He felt almost sorry for her. They were a bundle of never ending energy on their good days. But she didn't seem to mind. For the first time since she arrived the day before, she was totally relaxed. She spent most of her time with them and he had to recognize that he was a little jealous of the attention. Demi was right, the kids were falling for Clytia, like he was.

"Where are they now?" he asked before taking a sip of his beer.

"In the living room, in front of the TV. Do you want to join them? It's pretty calm right now and I'm starting to worry." she asked getting up.

The sight they got when they arrived in the living room was priceless. Clytia was asleep with the girl laying on top of her and one of the boys cuddled in her other arms, all asleep. The oldest put his finger on his lips asking them to remain quiet. It was so cute. He looked over at his sister who was smiling. She took her phone out of her pocket to take few pictures. When she was done she walked to Clytia, trying to take the girl off her, waking her up.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I fell asleep." She murmured sitting, cautious.

"It's okay. Let me help you." answered Demi taking the little girl, while Nolam took the boy.

They came few minutes later, sitting on each side of her. Nolam circled her with his arm around her shoulder. He felt her tensed a minute before relaxing. She slowly laid back against him, getting more comfortable. She was discussing with Demi. He wasn't paying attention, only looking at her, amazed by how carefree she looked. So different from the shy, taciturn woman he saw the day before. Without even realizing what she was doing, she started drawing random patterns on his knee with her nails, her head on his shoulder. It was so natural, so comfy. The more time they spent together, the more he wanted to get to know her.

Janice was pretty satisfied. She knew she had been a little harsh on Clytia. She had made some research on the girl. She was a good girl, good reputation, smart, grounded and discreet. She could be a really good match for her son. And from where she stood, she could see some sparks between them. All she could do now was to keep her fingers crossed for them. The girl had been careful not to cross path with her all day long, which she could understand why. She had made her best to avoid Nolam as well, but he was persistent. Subtly he had roomed over her, making sure she was okay. She had a good feeling about her. Clytia could be IT for her son.

Chris walked over them, joining them on the couch. He had tried his best to make Clytia feel comfortable. He knew how stressful the situation could be. However, despite the welcoming face he had showed, he was worried. She seemed to be a nice girl. And he wasn't sure she could handle his brother and to be under the spotlight. This life could be a bitch. He thought she would be better off with a divorce. He had voiced his worries earlier to Nolam who got annoyed. His brother was not a bad person, but somethings are just not meant to be. It wouldn't be hard for Nolam to make her fall for him. He just hoped he could make her happy. They made a cute couple though!

He looked closely at the mark on her shoulder. Weird, it wasn't there the previous night.

"Cly! What's that on your shoulder?" he asked

She turned her head, her brows furrowed.

"I don't know" she replied.

He looked closer and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Looks like a hickey."

She got off Nolam grasp "that's impossible!"

"It sure is darling."

"No! I'd never had one. It must be an insect bite or something"

"Nope! Positive on the hickey" intervened Nolam with a proud smile on his lips.

"How..." she stopped dead on her track.

"Looks like someone his marking his territory" sang Chris making everyone in the room laugh.

She was embarrassed. She readjusted her top to cover it properly and tried to get up. Nolam, who caught her movements, grabbed her hips and pulled her over his lap in a swift movement, his head on her back while he kept her close to him, making the others laugh louder.

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