Chapter 58

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“Excuse me, I am looking for room 225 B.”


Nolam turned around to meet his mother.

She looked... scared?! He rapidly scanned her body with his eyes, looking for any kind of injury. He couldn’t find any. He sighed, relieved.

She had called him, crying and asking him to meet her at the hospital without alarming the rest of the family. Different scenarios passed through his mind, all of them frightening. She looked fine.

Why the fuck was she at the hospital then?

“Ma! You scared the shit out of me. What happened? Why are you here?” He asked, still assessing her body.

“It’s Clytia.” She answered.

Nolam rolled his eyes when he heard the name of his wife. Certainly not someone he wanted to see at the moment.

“Really ma!” He started, one of his eyebrows raised. “I don’t want to hear anything about that selfish bitch. And I don’t appreciate you trying to trick me into talking to her.” He whispered yelled, careful not to draw attention.

“She passed out and she hasn’t woken up yet.” Janice said.

Nolam felt his heart stop for a second. He knew his mother would never lie about something so serious. No matter how much anger he had, he would never wish anything bad on her.

“What happened? Where is she?” He asked, his voice strained and heavy.

“They took her to radiology. Come with me. I’ll explain everything while we wait for her in her room.”




The word kept ringing in his mind. The doctor had left the room several minutes ago, leaving them with a still unconscious Clytia. The diagnosis was miscarriage, exhaustion, dehydration, low blood pressure and a concussion. The radiology had confirm the concussion. Luckily, nothing severe. They would probably release her in a day or two. At least, that was what the doctor said.

Nolam couldn’t keep his eyes from the sleeping frail frame of his wife. The dark circles under the eyes, the hollow cheeks, the pale skin. This was not the woman he had fallen in love with.

“She looks so weak!” He said under his breath, his heart hurting for her.

He felt the hand of his mother on his shoulder, while he was on a chair next to Clytia’s bed.

“She will be fine Nolam. She is strong.”

“Is she though?” He asked, his head shaking, his eyes full of unshed tears.


“Ma… I love her. No matter how mad I was, I would have never…”

He broke down in tears, unable to finish his sentence. Gently, Janice took him in her arms and cradled him.

“She will be fine Nolam.” She repeated.

“Everything will be okay.”

“This is my fault ma. This is my fault.”

Fighting for loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz