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Alex loathed the idea of having to go see Snart again

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Alex loathed the idea of having to go see Snart again. The whole way there she was grumbling to herself about having to have a civil conversation with him. Barry made her promise that she wouldn't jeopardize her cover and get Lisa killed. He didn't like the idea of her going undercover enough as it was - particularly after her freak out. 

Caitlin tried to convince her that she wasn't healthy enough yet to go back out in the field. Alex nearly snapped at the doctor saying that she was fine, she felt bad about it after and apologized. She was tired of being treated so delicately and as if she couldn't do things for herself. Even Cisco was weary to let her go without anyone by her side. She knew that they meant best for her, but there was only so much babying that she could handle.

There was no way that she was going to let Barry go in as a crook, not when she had already worked with Snart on heists and knew how he thought. The man was meticulous with his plans, though she couldn't say the same about his father. As far as she knew, he was reckless with his plans - always needing a back up.

"These visits are getting old," Snart had his feet rested up on the table, cleaning his cold gun that Cisco was forced to rebuild. His back was faced towards her, and she could only assume that he thought it was Barry walking up behind him. The clomping of her boots stopped as she peered over his shoulder

Barry had caught her up on everything going on. From the first time that the Flash had tried to save Snart and claimed that he was fine, followed by freezing him from his shoulders down - to the chat they had at the bar. Neither of the trips had worked to get Leonard to admit he needed help.

"Well, I'm not here to visit," Alex stood with her arms crossed. She wore her leather jacket, dark jeans, and combat boots that she could never part with. Snart was surprised with the voice that he heard and stood up to see the blonde with a furious look on her face. She was not in the mood to be having small talk with him.

"Alexandra," a hint of a smile on his face. He was genuinely shocked to see her - and not be dead at the same time. Snart knew that if she wanted him dead, he would be. "Thought you were dead."

"Should know by know that I don't die that easily. You've tried before and failed, more than once if I do recall," Alex snipped at him. He only shrugged his shoulders claiming that business was business, it was 'nothing personal'. "See you haven't changed in the last six months. Besides the fact that you're working with your old man again."

Once again, he only shrugged. It was impossible to get any emotion out of him besides hatred - unless it came to Lisa. "I know about your sister, let me tell you I was tempted to let her die. However, my team's working on a way to remove the bomb."

"Your team, huh?" Snart rested his could gun over his shoulder. She held herself differently than the last time that he saw her. More tense, yet she let herself show more emotions. "What about your little boyfriend?"

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