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Alex wished that she could have one peaceful night with her boyfriend with no worries and no metahumans getting in the way

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Alex wished that she could have one peaceful night with her boyfriend with no worries and no metahumans getting in the way. Yet, each time that they were supposed to do something, there was always something that came up. Whether it was fighting crime or fighting their own personal demons.

That night it was both. While Barry had wanted to change plans to go to a fancy art gala, Alex had cancelled the night altogether. Francine had been put into the hospital once again and this time it didn't look like she was going to make it out. She needed to be there for the woman, there were so many times in Alex's life that she had been the mother she missed out on for so many years.

It was twice now that she was losing the woman she dared called mom. Francine had taken her and Wally out to so many things knowing that they were low on money and low on time. They had been a weird sort of family that managed to work themselves out. However, just like everything else in Alexandra's life, things never stayed on the right track.

Wally hated Alex for what she had done, she couldn't change those feelings he had. She couldn't change the fact that his mother was dying in a hospital bed. She couldn't change what had happened in the past to change how their future was going to be. Alex felt as if she couldn't change anything in her life.

Barry had decided not to question why she had to cancel the plans, it would only mean that she would question why he wanted to change them. Alex wasn't aware of The Turtle and what they wished to do with him. Barry had single-handedly decided that it was best that she took the break that she needed from the team without the stressing of feelings like she needed to be there.

Instead of attending the event in a beautiful gown that Barry would have loved to see her in, she spent her night in the hospital with Francine's hand gripped as tightly as she could in her own. It pained her to see her like that, to have to watch the woman she grow up to love suffer. She may have done bad things in the past but that didn't mean that she didn't change either.

The sanitary smell and familiar beeps had brought back too many memories for Alex. All she could think about was the last time that she sat in that chair it was her father that was in the bed. It was Alex that shielded her brother's eyes as her father took his final breath. It was Alex that put on a brave face so that Dylan wouldn't have to.

She had to do it all again with Wally. Even if he didn't wish to have her by his side any more, she needed him to know that she would be there to comfort him in any way that he needed. Wally would always be her little brother and as she had already learned once before putting in effort had gotten her brother back once before.

He had shown up later that night. Alex took one glance at him and figured he wouldn't want her there. She said her final goodbye to Francine, crying so hard that she thought she wouldn't be able to breathe. Francine asked Alex to promise that she would keep Wally safe. She did, even if he didn't want her to. Even if Wally was mad at her, he still respected her final moments with him mom and left the two of them.

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