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Alex woke up to darkness

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Alex woke up to darkness. Her eyes were yet to heal and the bandage she grew to hate was wrapped around her face once more. The pain was still there, though much less than what it used to be. She knew that it had only been a day since the accident but she wished that she would heal faster.

There was only so much that she could take of feeling so helpless like that. She hated having to rely on her friends for such simple tasks like walking around or finding something in the lab. Even in her own home she felt as if she knew where nothing was. The short moments that she was alone she bumped into everything.

It wasn't the darkness that bothered Alex, it was the tight feeling in her chest as she rolled over in bed to get warmth from her boyfriend. He was sleeping still as she cuddled into his side. At least, she assumed that he was still asleep, quiet snores emitted from him - even if he denied snoring every time she brought it up.

Barry had ran off after their chat the night before. She assumed that he had gone to do exactly what she had told him to - save his parents. However, he had arrived back to their home only an hour later. Alex was asleep in bed by then, she stirred when he arrived but quickly fell back asleep the moment he joined her in bed.

Truth be told, she had no idea what he had done in that short span of time. The feeling that spread all over her body told her that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Alex pulled herself out of bed. She made her way to her bathroom, which took much longer than she would have liked to admit. By the time that she made it there, she had cursed a few times for stubbing her toe along her furniture. The door was closed and Alex took a deep breath to try and calm herself.

The bandage around her eyes was carefully removed. She was scared to open her eyes, whether it was because she feared what she would see or if it would be nothing at all. For the first time, she was able to see the bright light that shone in front of her. The intensity of it caused her to wince in pain.

Everything around her was blurry. She could see colors and vague shapes but nothing of detail. Although it still felt as if she would never fully heal again, she was glad at the process that was being made. Her body was healing itself just as she and the rest of the team had hoped. It would just take time for the rest to come.

Alex sighed in relief. Her hands shook as they planted themselves on the edge of her sink. With everything going on, she was just glad that there was something good to shine through the darkness. As she glanced down, she could see that her arms were not the usual tanned skin, they were dark red. Blood still specked up her arms - her blood.

Clothes were shed onto the ground and she carefully got in the shower. Even if her sight was slowly coming back, it wasn't enough that she trusted herself. Alex enjoyed the boiling hot stream of water that pounded against her skin. The fear of healing was disappearing but she knew that what Barry had done was something to worry about.

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