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Twenty-four hours.

Twenty-four hours until Alex was supposed to die and they still hadn't found anything that would lead them to an energy source that would power the bazooka. The team was losing hope and they were unsure if they would come up with anything that would save her from her fate.

Fate. That was something that Alex had for so long tried not to believe in. This upper power that was held over everyone wasn't real and it didn't decide the future for anyone. No, this was the work of Savitar, who maybe saw himself as this upper power but Alex knew better than to believe in that.

Alex knew that this wasn't fate that led her to her death, it was the workings of a man who wanted to see her lover suffer. This wasn't because he had anything against Alex, he didn't hate her or hold grudge against her, it was because he wanted to cause pain in others just like he had been in pain.

Her death wasn't something that she wanted others to mourn about, she wanted them to see this as a reason to fight. She didn't want to be remembered with her last dying breaths, no she wanted them to remember her as the light that brought a different kind of hope to the team.

It wasn't hope that everything was going to be okay, because she herself never believed that. From childhood on, Alex never had hope that everything would truly be right in her life. There was always going to be something wrong and that was something that she and everyone else was going to have to accept.

This hope was a hope that no matter what your past is, there is always time to change yourself. She had done it, and it made her truly believe that no matter what kind of person they were, what they had done, there was always a part of them that craved the feeling of wanting to do something good with their lives.

That was what she wanted to be remembered for. She wanted to be remembered as the person that had turned their life around and made something good out of it. If she could do it, a broken girl with no hope of any future, then anyone could. They just needed a little push to get them along.

At 12:03 that night, Alex thought back to when she was thrown into the future. It was exactly this time, twenty-four hours later, that Barry pleaded for Savitar not to kill her. She saw on her own face that she wasn't scared of dying, she wasn't scared of leaving this world, she was scared of leaving Barry behind.

Barry had done everything in his power to try and change things, but when it came down to it, nothing had changed, everything that they had done, had been the same as four months ago. He had gotten so much hope that it would be different, but she had known better. Alex had known it from the beginning.

"Alex." She and Barry were lying in their bed, staring up at the ceiling, not knowing if this was going to be the last night that they spent together. Dylan was at the lab with Cisco, burning the midnight oil in hopes that they could find something that would suffice to power up the bazooka.

When her name was called, she turned on her side to admire her loving boyfriend. His arms were tucked behind his head and he was obviously deep in thought. "I was thinking about our wedding day," Alex spoke. He untucked his arms and mimicked how she was laying. "I don't have my dad in my life anymore but I was thinking if Joe wanted to walk me down the aisle."

"I think he would be honored," Barry smiled at her words. He dreamed of their wedding, but as the days went on, he dreaded they wouldn't make it to that day. "When I told Joe that we started dating, he took it a lot better than I ever expected. I think it was because he always respected you a little bit more than he put on."

"Joe West is always full of surprises, I wouldn't be shocked if hated me for longer than he put on too," Alex giggled. Barry traced his fingers up the curve of her side and then back down. "He would have like my dad. Henry would have too, I think. And he would have loved you, more than me and Dylan maybe."

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