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"Are you sure about this, babe?"

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"Are you sure about this, babe?"

Barry Allen had decided that he needed his powers back. The only way to do that was to go through with Wells' idea and recreate the particle accelerator explosion. Although he was still weary about the idea, he knew that it was a risk that he was willing to take. The city needed the Flash to stop Zoom.

After he had seen Alex get hurt, he knew in that moment that it was time to become a hero once again. Zoom could have - and would have - killed her if Caitlin wasn't stuck in his hold. It was then he realized how delicate each life was, Zoom was in charge and no one was fast enough to stop him.

They had gotten Alex back to STAR Labs as quick as they could. Without Caitlin there, Barry and Cisco had tried their best to look over her wounds. The blood was wiped off her face and it displayed the cuts and bruises even more. Thankfully, nothing was broken and she was going to be okay. Alex dosed up on pain killers to be able to join the others.

Wally and Jesse were still safe in the time vault. They had no idea what had gone down that night, but they all wished it to stay that way. They were just kids, they didn't need to know about everything that was going on in their city. Mostly, Alex didn't want either of them to know that she was hurt yet again.

As soon as Barry told Wells that he was going to go through with the plan, he and Cisco set out to do the finishing touches on the machine. Alex pulled her boyfriend to the training room, which had become her own personal get away when she needed it. She was worried about things going wrong.

"I need to," Barry told her after a brief moment of silence. He was still weary about the idea as well but it needed to happen. "No one is fast enough to stop him, not even you. Without a speedster I know you could protect this city, but with one I can't risk seeing you get hurt. He could have killed you today and there was nothing I could do about it."

"But he didn't," Alex grabbed his hand. It was cold to the touch - they always were when he was nervous. "I told you I would support whichever decision you make and I'm going to keep that promise. If this is what you need to do, then do it. I have faith that you end up making the right choices every time.

"That doesn't mean I'm not going to worry about you doing it though. This is dangerous, really dangerous, I looked over the schematics of it all and there's a huge risk. I trust Wells' brain, but I have to believe in my own first. You can't go into this thinking that there's no chance of you getting hurt, or worse," Alex explained to him.

She looked over everything that he had created. For the most part, everything that he was going to do made sense - between the chemicals and the lighting - it all seemed right. However, with her gut feeling and knowledge of what was going to happen, she had a greater fear than ever before. Losing Barry would mean losing her everything.

Alex didn't want to risk his life for anything, but if he was determined to go through with the plan, then she couldn't stop him. Barry had to make his own decision, and even if she didn't always agree with them, there wasn't anything she could do about it. The life he lived was his own and no one could lead him through it but himself.

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