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Luca's POV

I can't believe he fucking slapped her. He is supposed to be her father, and he calls her the disgrace. I took everything in me to not lunge at his pathetic ass, but I knew that Elena could take care of herself. I for one was honestly surprised at how calmly she took it.

I still can't believe that mother fucker manipulated me into actually okaying this marriage thing. I mean I didn't okay it my dad did, but I didn't argue much after he told me the reason. Instead of me marrying her to keep her safe, like I thought his plan was, he just wanted to be the most powerful.

"So you almost got engaged to Miss Helena Torres?" Dash questions, well pouring himself another glass of whiskey. Me, Dash, and Kyle, were all sitting in my office talking about what happened today. We are also looking for Samuel MacRay, that backstabbing two-faced douche.

I nod and hand him my glass.

"Wait, so your dads set it up, then when she refused her dad slapped her?" Kyle asks confused, well typing manically on his laptop.

"No, he slapped her when she explained that she was not his daughter, and there relationship was toxic, and that she will be out of HER house that SHE pays for with HER money," I say taking a sip from my glass. I was studying his past whereabouts closely trying to see were he could have gone.

"So why did you even agree?" Dash asks. I look at him and shake my head.

"Did we try Dubai?" I ask, furring my eyebrows well looking at the map in front of me.

"Ya, we sent Maliki last week to check on leads, he came back with nothing," Dash says, raising his head from his computer, were he is checking phone records and old associates who could be helping him hide.

I don't know how long we were working but I do know we must have fell asleep at sometime. I was waken up to my cell phone ringing.

"Who is it?" Kyle asks groggily, rubbing his eyes.

I grab my phone from beside me and groan.

"Unknown number," I say grouchily.

"Just answer it," Dash says slamming his head on table in front of him.


"Hey, Lover boy," a cherry voice sounds through the phone.

"Princess?" I question. Kyle raises a eyebrow and Dash raises his head.

"No, Elena," she answers. I furrow my eyebrows, why would she call me this late.

"Princess, what's wrong?" I ask, no more awake. Both Kyle and Dash and looking at me confused and wide awake.

"I need a huge favor Luca," Elena says. I hum in response.

"First come pick me and a couple people up, they'll be 6 of us including me. Second, we need a place to crash for the night," She asks. I nod.

"Okay, send me an address, I'll be there as soon as I can," I say.

"Thank you," she says.

"Always," I say, before I hang up. The boys give me the 'explain' look and I roll my eyes.

"How much do you guys love me?" I ask, like a middle schooler.

"What do you need," they both ask at the same time.

"How would you like some roommates?"


"Well I thought there would at least be another girl with you, so this wouldn't be so awkward but," I say walking up the stairs with Elena trailing behind me. She has a young be in her arms but I don't know his relation to her, let alone his name.

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