Before the new year

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Elena's POV

The consistent ringing from my iPhone brought me from my short 20 minute nap in the hotel I was currently staying at.

'You better have a damn good reason for waking me up,' I growl into the phone, tapping my pointer finger impatiently on the case.

'Copo, where are you?' Mario questions, sounding worried.

'Why?' I ask sitting myself up on the bed, although I had a idea.

I set my phone on 'DO NOT DISTURB' then set it so that only Mario would be able to reach me incase an emergency, and of course Miles knows exactly where I am, but respects me enough to not say a word.

'No one could get ahold of you, I thought you were being sarcastic when you said that only I could reach you in emergencies,' he spoke, muttering the last part.

'Why did you call Mario?' I ask, getting annoyed.

'Luca couldn't get ahold of you, he wanted to talk about something, said it was an emergency, but not even Cameron could get ahold of you,' he explains.

I let out a huff running a hand through my slightly tangled hair.

'Whatever, give the phone to Luca, and Mario,'

'Yes capo?'

'I told you to take a fucking break,' I growl out, although amusement was clear in my voice.

This guy is dedicated, I'll give him that.

'El?' Luca's voice sounds through the phone.

'Ciao,' I say in a overly sweet voice.

'Helena, something bad happened,' Luca breathes out, sounding exhausted.

'Spit it out lover boy, I'm sure it can't be that bad,' I mumble, finally pushing myself out of bed.

'Well, long story short, when your dad figured out that he couldn't convince you to be in a marriage with me, he went to my dad and tricked him into it. I was disappointed with my dad because he got fooled so easily but that's whatever, anyway I took the contract to a lawyer, the best I could find, and the only loophole was if a biological parent would sign off on dismissing the whole arrangement.' He rambles on in one breath.

'I already know that,' I grunt out, annoyed at how long this is taking.

'What? How-'

'Shut up and get to the point.' I snap .

'Right, well I knew your dad wouldn't sign off so I kinda decided to search high and low for your mom,'

I take in a sharp intake of air, pausing halfway through putting on my t-shirt.

'Once I found her, I spent almost 3 hours trying to convince her the situation was real and that she needed to sign the papers,' he trails off.

'Okay, I don't think this counts as an emergency, I mean ya, I'm pissed you'd do this all behind my back and I had to find out a not so fun way, but I don't necessarily think it's an emergency.'

'Elena, halfway through writing her signature, she got shot,'


"No, there has to be a way out of this," I say, slamming my hand on the table.

"It's either, you guys marry in the next week, or 50% of each of your mafias belongs to Mr. Torres," Cameron explains, not sounding to pleased.

"IN THE NEXT WEEK!' I shout, I guess I most have missed that little detail the text of the contract.

"It says right here, 'married before the new year' and since Christmas is in two days, you have less than a week to get married and exactly one day to send the marriage license to your father,"

"I'll let you guys talk," Cameron says, walking out the door.

I nod my head, turning around to face Luca.

"Pick a date babe, there is no way I'm letting my father win this game of his,"

"Christmas Eve?" He questions.

"Is one day away, if I marry you, this wedding better be good, cause even if we divorce, you chick ain't marrying again," I explain, giving him a small smile to ease the awkwardness of this situation.

"How about the 30th? We'd have 6 days to plan, make it the best wedding we possibly can,"

"Ya?" I ask, mumbling quietly, a small smile on my face.

"Why not?" He challenges, pulling me into a hug .

"Thank you," I mutter into his chest.

"For what, my father signed our future away and your thanking me?" He asks, genuinely confused.

I chuckle, my smile growing.

"Thank you for trying to make me happy even when the odds are against us, that's something you're really good at now that I think about it,"

He just nods, kissing the top of my head.

We stay silent a bit, standing in the same position.

"What do you think your stepmom is going to say?" He asks, laughing a bit.

"She'll be pissed, kick my papa out for a night, before forgiving him the next day," I say, smiling a bit.

We stay silent for awhile longer, before Luca lifts his head from on top of mine and stares down at me.

"You do know once we say I do, I'm never signing divorce papers," he asks me, placing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I didn't but, I guess I'm okay with that,"

"You guess?" He asks mockingly.

"Mhm," I mumble, smiling up at him.

He tilts his head to the side and gives me a boyish smile.

"I thought you always knew the answers,"

"Ya well, that was before I met you,"

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